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How Champion tier SHOULD have been initiated

rated by 0 users
Tue, Aug 11 2015 12:38 PM (6 replies)
  • AceHoler26
    347 Posts
    Tue, Aug 11 2015 8:51 AM

    If I were part of WGT management, here is how I would have suggested the Champion tier be launched.

    There would be no need for 200 extra ranked rounds.  As soon as the tier was made available all players with the scoring average that qualifies would immediately be put into that tier.  Thus, the saturation in the Tour Legend tier would have been addressed right away.  Champion only tournaments and Ready Go's could have commenced on day 1.  That would have also made the Tour Legend tier more competitive since the higher level TLs had now been filtered out.

    The same could have been done for Tour Champion.  All the invites could have gone out on day 1.

    WGT also made an error in using ranked rounds to tier up to any tier.  The only ranked rounds that should count toward player averages should have been ranked rounds played from their tier's tees and with their tier's green speeds.  It's insane to let a bunch of people play hundreds of "lower your average" CC tournament rounds that are played from the kiddie tees, so that they can lower their average and move up to the next tier.  (Though why they would want to do that when they would get their butts kicked is beyond my comprehension).

    Now those of us in the TL tier that would like to play TL Ready Go's again, but are not on the level of Champion tier players, have no idea when the Champions will be filtered out of the TL tourneys.  How long will it take for the Champion and Tour Champion tiers to fill up enough for them to have their own tourneys ?  2 months ? 6 months ? A year ?

    That could have all been avoided by putting players in their proper tiers right off the bat.

    Just my 2 cents (well maybe a dollar) :)

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Tue, Aug 11 2015 11:02 AM

    +1 !!

    What you suggest is exactly what WGT did when they created the Legend tier in Sept 2010.  Anyone with an average of 64.5 in I believe it was the Master tier at the time, got bumped to Legend overnight.

    You think they'd remember?  And there weren't any Red Tee Masters at the time, all ranked rounds were from your tier's tees.

  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Tue, Aug 11 2015 11:58 AM

    What would have been their profit from your proposal?

    Sorry, I don't see much.

    OTOH, they take profit from the "lower your average" grinding,

    they take profit from the saturation grind,

    they take profit from stealing good rounds in the players' mix,

    they take profit from hope born of uncertainty.

    They don't take profit from unplayed C and TC RGs, but apparently this was outweighed by other profits.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Tue, Aug 11 2015 12:21 PM

    It is pretty well known that WGT has implemented many corn-ball schemes over time but this latest move is the most ridicules of them all. Just another bad thinking. no, rather, zero thinking idea.  ~ SP ~ 

  • MFuston
    439 Posts
    Tue, Aug 11 2015 12:26 PM


    If I were part of WGT management, here is how I would have suggested the Champion tier be launched.

    There would be no need for 200 extra ranked rounds.  As soon as the tier was made available all players with the scoring average that qualifies would immediately be put into that tier.  Thus, the saturation in the Tour Legend tier would have been addressed right away.  Champion only tournaments and Ready Go's could have commenced on day 1.  That would have also made the Tour Legend tier more competitive since the higher level TLs had now been filtered out.

    The same could have been done for Tour Champion.  All the invites could have gone out on day 1.

    WGT also made an error in using ranked rounds to tier up to any tier.  The only ranked rounds that should count toward player averages should have been ranked rounds played from their tier's tees and with their tier's green speeds.  It's insane to let a bunch of people play hundreds of "lower your average" CC tournament rounds that are played from the kiddie tees, so that they can lower their average and move up to the next tier.  (Though why they would want to do that when they would get their butts kicked is beyond my comprehension).

    Now those of us in the TL tier that would like to play TL Ready Go's again, but are not on the level of Champion tier players, have no idea when the Champions will be filtered out of the TL tourneys.  How long will it take for the Champion and Tour Champion tiers to fill up enough for them to have their own tourneys ?  2 months ? 6 months ? A year ?

    That could have all been avoided by putting players in their proper tiers right off the bat.

    Just my 2 cents (well maybe a dollar) :)

    Well said, Gary!  Well said..

  • lonnieskinner
    1,677 Posts
    Tue, Aug 11 2015 12:37 PM

    At least only ranked rounds in your tier should have counted. Again some found  loop hole.

  • Joshnosh
    548 Posts
    Tue, Aug 11 2015 12:38 PM

    i always thought if the customer is happy they spend more, apparently wgt are give them *** n they wil spend more