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Current Date & Time displayed on WGT

Mon, Jul 22 2013 3:44 PM (26 replies)
  • nigyrob
    92 Posts
    Wed, Jan 5 2011 5:58 PM

    Hi all,

    I live in Australia and as such are ahead of your (WGT) time zone. I can never remember the difference in our time zones; causing problems with playing tournaments which have an allotted time period to be played in.

    I'd like to make a suggestion to WGT to have your current Date & Time display on your pages perhaps in the top left hand corner of the page directly under your "World Golf Tour logo!

    I feel this would help many people around the world, offering them the ability to better schedule tournaments they wish to participate in and not miss them because of differing time zones!

    Thanks for listening and keep up the great work.



  • Hokieman0
    18 Posts
    Wed, Jan 5 2011 7:40 PM

    I would have to agree with you. Ive been on other sites and it is surely possible. I live on the east coast and the time here is pacific time which is 3 hours behind me.

  • United4Life
    104 Posts
    Wed, Jan 5 2011 7:59 PM

    Very good idea. Being from NZ and organising matches with players in the US is hard enough... but when ones on PST and the other EST it gets really confusing.


  • lilrob88
    870 Posts
    Wed, Jan 5 2011 8:56 PM

    great idea

    would be very convenient

  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Wed, Jan 5 2011 11:26 PM

    The easiest way is to set up a table with the various countries, have them related to GMT.

    For example UK is GMT.  This table would be under general help with easy access. Compared to my area it is GMT-5.  Thus UK is 5 hours ahead of me.

  • nigyrob
    92 Posts
    Thu, Jan 6 2011 3:09 PM


    The easiest way is to set up a table with the various countries, have them related to GMT.

    For example UK is GMT.  This table would be under general help with easy access. Compared to my area it is GMT-5.  Thus UK is 5 hours ahead of me.


    Yeah, thats an option too but if it was setup under the logo no matter what page your on you will still see it as the left hand column on the web site doesn't change,


  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Thu, Jan 6 2011 3:51 PM

    or better yet, program it correctly to reference GMT then offset it according to each users timezone, so EVERYONES day starts over at midnight......

    Short of this, I could live with a global clock specific to whatever time zone wgt chooses, at least we have some way then of knowing when the new day starts, etc.

    I'd also love to hear from wgt if the daily play bonus is timestamped when a round STARTS or ENDS. Asked on another thread, but never got an answer. I am on central time in the states, and my 'day' starts at 6pm. If I start a match at 5:45 and end at 6:15, which day does it credit, the day it was started, or the day when the match finished?


  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Thu, Jan 6 2011 4:10 PM

    I'd also love to hear from wgt if the daily play bonus is timestamped when a round STARTS or ENDS. Asked on another thread, but never got an answer. I am on central time in the states, and my 'day' starts at 6pm. If I start a match at 5:45 and end at 6:15, which day does it credit, the day it was started, or the day when the match finished?

    Van, I believe it is when you finish the round.    I have started rounds before my new day 7:00 PM Eastern and finished after and gotten the CDP's for the new day!  



  • BustaSpliff
    417 Posts
    Thu, Jan 6 2011 4:22 PM

    Agree with u  we  in  UK  5 hours  in front of usa.  But  do u  realy think  wgt are going too  take any note? when  people for 12 months or more have asked for problem like the Mter too be  fixed.........  NO/YE.   dubt it very  much..


      if ever  you want a game bud  let me most days.

  • TextMyPC
    232 Posts
    Thu, Jan 6 2011 5:54 PM


    They don't have time to for times zones when they're working on a new $25 Driver that goes 283 yards!!! ...and a sleeve of balls for $8 that change color.

    They're in business to make money not friends or satisfied customers.

    This is a site that will smile as they take your money then slap you in the face and laugh as the door hits you in the ars on the way out.
