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Will the 3 Click Meter be Fixed?

rated by 0 users
Thu, Aug 20 2015 10:18 PM (5 replies)
  • Looper0443
    133 Posts
    Mon, Aug 17 2015 4:51 AM

    Is the 3 click meter on the list to be fixed anytime soon. Since the last update it will work on the first shot of the game but from there you have to take a practice swing first on every shot, then play to see the shot pal. It's disruptive to the game and I'm getting tired of explaining the issue to everyone I play. I'm sure it's not a priority as most probably use 2 click, but if it's available it would be nice if it worked.

  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Mon, Aug 17 2015 9:02 AM

    We are certainly working on it. I'm not entirely sure that it will make it into the next update, but it is a priority. 


  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Mon, Aug 17 2015 10:35 AM


    We are certainly working on it. I'm not entirely sure that it will make it into the next update, but it is a priority. 



    LMFAO>>>>>> It's a wut?


  • AUGIE316
    120 Posts
    Wed, Aug 19 2015 2:46 PM

    Is the 2 click meter ever going to be fixed. I mean ***,my meter jerks around more then a mexican jumping bean on salsa. And I have level 90,nike,slow meter balls. And I also cleared the cache,,web browsers,cookies,and all of the junk from the begging of time. So it is surely not on my side of the internet,it is solely on w.g.t side of the website. I can't even finish a game without getting kicked off every other hole,and my next god damn shot never loads properly so fix this god damn *** already holy ***.

  • genegold2
    1,302 Posts
    Wed, Aug 19 2015 6:28 PM

    Most likely its junk on your computer from doing credits and browsing the internet, such as maleware. Restore from a backup if you have one, not a reset of an earlier time like a restore point. Also can do a rebuild of windows, but that is drastic.

  • WillisBrits
    2 Posts
    Thu, Aug 20 2015 10:18 PM

    In playing games with others, I have realised that the meter is the best money maker for WGT.  How many balls to you lose (at 500-700 for 3) - if a few hundred of us around the world lose 1 ball per game, how much money do they make?

    It won't be fixed - coz then it takes too long for them to make money out of us...

    Learn to play with standard balls, don't get high scores, but it won't cost you more money than it needs to...

    I am over the Consistent Inconsistency of WGT - as an ERP Developer and Systems administrator, I have better response from my systems than you get from the developers...

    Good luck - we struggle with them all around the world.