I agree with much of what you are saying. Like the Cally has gotten way faster with the meter speed, it's like a starter ball now.
All this garbage like 'ball speed boost' and meter boost. Penny ante BS like slow the hell outta the meter for 60 credits a shot. That's like jip joint shite there. Just pack the options with garbage the screw that meter up.
I know I'm still playin with the R11 irons because I'm not gonna pony up 50 clams for a game rife with server issues, can't complete a muti-player game without the dame thing crashing.
Seems damn funny around 1:00 am eastern time the meter smooths out nice and the game play nice and easy. THAT'S BECAUSE THE DAMN SERVERS ARE'NT OVERLOADED MAKING THE GAME CHOPPY & RUN LIKE SHITE!@#
I don't give a crap what the trolls or the damn mods have to say about it. They have screwed this game up with so much useless garbage it won't run right at all, not that it ever did really run that great to begin with.
Hell yeah the yardages are of. THE YARDAGES ARE OFF BECAUSE THE CLUBS ARE OFF!!@ Christ the R11 8 irons is so far off I have to remember to hit the damn thing 8 yrds farther.
I'm sure as hell not stickin another plug nickle into this. But wgt don't give a rats *** about guys like you and me. They only care about the azz clowns with 15 accounts. Players that can fatten wgt's pockets with a gazillion credits of ill-gotten gain.
Rant over, bust away my chops, I got a right to tell it how I feel too.