I have been playing this game for many years and have had fun playing it. When the new update came in with the voice feature it seemed to kill parts of the gameplay. It is not to often now that you can play a game with no problem and or disconnects. Also when doing the surveys and stuff I find it funny that they ask you 10 questions in the beginning and say that you are a good match they are redirecting you to the survey. Yet when you get into the survey they ask you the same 10 questions and tell you that you dont match what they are looking for and boot you from survey and if you are lucky you might get 5 credits. You need to set up something to reward players play with credits. After a multiplayer game of any type you should have a short survey on the other players and reward players for good and courteous play. Not everyone that plays this game can afford to deposit actual cash money to upgrade clubs and balls but it would be nice for your play to be able to get you new equipment from time to time. Please fix the gameplay issues with this game cause i have not run across to many players lately that are happy with the game.