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Bug log has loads other bugs called Blogger-Bugs

rated by 0 users
Fri, Sep 11 2015 3:35 PM (4 replies)
  • tuxedo2
    5,293 Posts
    Tue, Sep 8 2015 8:30 AM

    Although the game has got slightly better in the past two weeks it's still impossible to get an alternate game played without disconnects and some one forfeiting as well as the numerous issues that so many players still have and by surfing through this "War and Peace" novel called the Bug Log  I see not much has changed really. 

    Two things that disturbs me the most:

    1. The lack of a honest, clear response from anyone from WGT in 99.9% of the issues we all seem to still have.

    Whats really the point of this thread anyway? we are told to send an e mail, take a screen shot blaa blaa blaa. so why even bother posting here? not much seems to get done. I play this game for the fun of it and don't have the time or patience to spend hours looking for solutions when I should be playing!

    2, Then there's always the "big time bloggers" who usually have very little of any value to say and tend to ridicule someones frustration with meaningless dribble.

    One in particular after reading many very frustrating posts/threads about all the multi game issues, had this to say:

    "No problems here seems to be working fine for me and I'm using Maxthon"

    Since I also play on Max and have yet to complete a single game without 2-3 disconnects and a good 50% of the games ending in a forfeit for 2 months now, I decided to check her profile to see how many of these she has played in the last 2 months.Well unless she lost everyone of them (hard to believe) she hasn't played a single one.

    Futile attempt on my part, but why bother posting anything? how are you helping anyone? or are you just so interested in seeing yourself in print or maybe you get some sort of pathetic enjoyment out your make believe importance with your tens of thousands on comments?




  • mathia14
    1,271 Posts
    Tue, Sep 8 2015 8:53 AM


    Although the game has got slightly better in the past two weeks it's still impossible to get an alternate game played without disconnects and some one forfeiting as well as the numerous issues that so many players still have and by surfing through this "War and Peace" novel called the Bug Log  I see not much has changed really. 

    Two things that disturbs me the most:

    1. The lack of a honest, clear response from anyone from WGT in 99.9% of the issues we all seem to still have.

    Whats really the point of this thread anyway? we are told to send an e mail, take a screen shot blaa blaa blaa. so why even bother posting here? not much seems to get done. I play this game for the fun of it and don't have the time or patience to spend hours looking for solutions when I should be playing!

    2, Then there's always the "big time bloggers" who usually have very little of any value to say and tend to ridicule someones frustration with meaningless dribble.

    One in particular after reading many very frustrating posts/threads about all the multi game issues, had this to say:

    "No problems here seems to be working fine for me and I'm using Maxthon"

    Since I also play on Max and have yet to complete a single game without 2-3 disconnects and a good 50% of the games ending in a forfeit for 2 months now, I decided to check her profile to see how many of these she has played in the last 2 months.Well unless she lost everyone of them (hard to believe) she hasn't played a single one.

    Futile attempt on my part, but why bother posting anything? how are you helping anyone? or are you just so interested in seeing yourself in print or maybe you get some sort of pathetic enjoyment out your make believe importance with your tens of thousands on comments?




    The mods will tell you to clean your cashe and that the programmers are working on it.  Never heard that before.

  • alosso
    21,070 Posts
    Tue, Sep 8 2015 9:47 AM

    1. The lack of a honest, clear response from anyone from WGT in 99.9% of the issues we all seem to still have.

    Did you know that those responses are NOT the primary task of any WGT employee in this forum? They once told us that their focus is much more "traffic regulation".

    Anyway, the general experience is that they don't reply to anything unpleasant (*) - with minor exceptions lately. They leave the field to us, the users.

    (*) including /me

    2, Then there's always the "big time bloggers" who usually have very little of any value to say and tend to ridicule someones frustration with meaningless dribble.

    a) Frustration is non-rational most of the times - should we hold hands with those people (not to say whiners)?

    b) Many complaints have been repeated so often that you wonder what the posters think. Do they feel unique? Is it unacceptable for them to use the search function?

    Your subject of disconnection is (by feel) by far the most given subject of individual threads. It seems that a new thread is created after each single discon. What should forum people say about it?

    c) Some may be frustrated themselves and load that on innocent others - that's human.

    It's all part of basic group dynamic, says 

    Yours sincerely,

    Krickelkrackel (illegible)

    (Kitchen Psychologist BA)

  • tuxedo2
    5,293 Posts
    Tue, Sep 8 2015 7:26 PM

    Futile attempt on my part, but why bother posting anything? how are you helping anyone? or are you just so interested in seeing yourself in print or maybe you get some sort of pathetic enjoyment out your make believe importance with your:

    "tens of thousands on comments?"   Well 12,000 and counting Alosso  and really Premiership quality dribble PMSL exactly what I expected from yea m8 well done!

    Here's an idea Alosso your "club" has 222 members and a whopping average of 12 of your "members" completed the last 5 tournaments,  that's about 4.5%, maybe you should focus on running your "club" instead of trolling WGT forums..

    Gotta be one of those that just loves the "points" you "earn" 

  • alosso
    21,070 Posts
    Fri, Sep 11 2015 3:35 PM

    Thought you'd appreciate some honest and realistic answer instead of mute mods' silence. How wrong was I!

    And, your PMSL gives me heartaches from LMAO about your one-eyed reading.

    Concerning my CC and "points", try to remember what I posted about the passes system multiple times and read my now public CC message:

    "Wir sind ein entspannter deutschsprachiger Club - aktive Spieler ab Pro sind herzlich eingeladen!

    CC Level 9 - mehr als genug!
    Alle Mitglieder bekommen kostenlosen CC Paesse - kauft bitte keine, das ist Verschwendung!"

    I like it more than your blog statement on hectic and compulsion:

    "Members should be available to play at least once a week"