Does anyone know if we could you like a site, to start a league or to help track tournys.
I've just started a new league there, it's called WGT MASTERS TOUR. Problem is I need more time to set it up properly and will be holding tourneys and competitions there like the real PGA Tour. Lots of things to do so if someone has experience at this site please give me some help and pointer to set it up faster.
I have no idea how to do that stuff .. but I think it's a great idea and I'd love to participate. Thanks for taking the lead to set it up.
I have some exp. with the site, not a whole bunch. Glad someone is doing it, thought about for a while. You can either start up a team league tournys and singles, pretty cool site. I used to play spades there and some other games.
I have ran leagues on that site off and on for 10 years now. anything u wanna kno. just ask my Emial is
i kno all about that site. 10 yrs of exp. if u have any ?s