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Lost everything....Thanks WGT

Sat, Aug 31 2024 9:26 AM (31 replies)
  • GADAWG67
    1 Posts
    Thu, Oct 1 2015 9:20 PM

    I had to create a new profile, because WGT will not email me back to reset my password...Was a Tour Pro player with about $100 invested in products....Hope this does not happen to anyone else.

  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Fri, Oct 2 2015 9:15 AM

    We don't want you to create a new profile, we want to help you back into your regular profile. Please contact Member Services with this issue and they can help.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Oct 2 2015 2:21 PM

    Apparently, this was the "help" he received until now:

    WGT will not email me back to reset my password.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sun, Oct 11 2015 12:17 AM

    change passwords and even usernames

    Like my Username  

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Oct 11 2015 1:24 AM

    Like my Username  

    Roger....can I suggest you drop the numbers at the end :))

    Just a thought............*ducks*

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sun, Oct 11 2015 10:47 PM


    Like my Username  

    Roger....can I suggest you drop the numbers at the end :))

    Just a thought............*ducks*

    Wonderful suggestion.  Thx

    Wgt needs to delete the username 'Mantis' first.  Somebody who joined in 2008 and hasn't played a game yet. Then they might be able to get rid of my '0014'

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Fri, Oct 30 2015 6:46 PM


      It just doesn't make any sense . With all the issues and glitches within the messaging and multimedia communications features and programs alone . The inability to message all members or to assign permissions , or edit a CC message , etc , etc .

      They act like they are amatuer techs and moderators that do not know that all that mega data with all that worthless information that is clogging the system in the way of inactive , abandoned duplicated and quintiplicated  and corrupted user accounts . Add to that the massive corrupted data in the abandoned  CC accounts that have made the features in those paralized for years now . 

      It should be a no brainer to first clean it up . Delete it . All of it . If someone does return after 27 months to find they no longer have an account . then it will be easy for them to create a nice new account that accepts the unique username on the first try . because the system would be clean and all the right commands and features would actually work .

      I know these things will not fix the game issues . I suggest that they will . In many areas . But I am no tech . It just doesn't make any sense to me to let the guts of your bread and butter go so cattywampus . To the point of OCD hoarding . 

    A classic case of to much, to deep, to high, to wide and only a few with  sand box shovels to move it all!  my nickle.

  • MCJGuy
    6 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2018 6:39 PM

    Same here I had about $60 invested in this game and clubs and they just lost my player profile because it told me that my password that i just reset was invalid.