Gee whiz..who doesn't like music ? And I get it (understand). Almost. We have developed slick little names to describe the genres'. "Blue Grass", Kentucky hick tunes. "Hip - Hop", catchy, ethnic, no brain yet, lasts a second type noise that a spastic can dance to. Classical, that's easy. Rock and Roll, we all know. Country, Nashville Pop claims he fell in love with it the first time he heard Homer and Jethro as a child. Punk, Heavy Metal, Opera....I get it (understand). Here is my problem...what I don't get (don't understand) ----SKA...come again...SKA.....what the "F" does it identify? Describe? Someone, the other day, said Gwen Stefani was the Queen of SKA...which sounded like the thing Quasimodo was awarded. Please help me get it (understand) ~ Lily ~