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Fix Meter or Free Play

rated by 0 users
Fri, Oct 11 2013 12:52 PM (17 replies)
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  • takenitslo
    3 Posts
    Tue, Jan 18 2011 2:42 AM

    Yes I realize it doesn’t cost anything to play this site, but a great many of you pay for upgraded clubs, balls, avatars, etc.  WGT wants us to pay for these items as that’s how they make money and that’s fair, as long as they’re providing a good product.  However since I joined 6 months ago, I have seen their swing meter problems get progressively worse.  If 2-3 people are playing a match, at least one is having meter problems.  I now have to reset my computer after every 2-3 blitzes because the swing meter gets so choppy.


    If just a few players were having this problem, it could be they are having computer problems or maybe they need to clear their Flash cache. But with the large number of players experiencing meter problems, this is clearly a system problem. 


    So WGT, instead of spending your resources on a power drink or adding a second set of 9 holes to Kiawah, please fix the biggest source of complaints you have, fix the swing meter problem!  That’s something your upgrades can’t improve.

  • NickN85
    193 Posts
    Tue, Jan 18 2011 9:06 PM


    it appears to me in my short time here.. that I have only had a few instances where the meter crapped out. The reality of the situation is that at the very least 80% of the meter problems are related to the players computer. I know the site has a minimum and suggested list of requirements, but as it is the suggested list is more like the minimum list. If you dont have enough RAM, a fast enough Processor and video card, AND you have anything running in the background NOT required by the game running, then you'll have problems. My suggestion, have atleast 2GB RAM, a duo core processor or better, and an aftermarket video card (of almost any kind as long as its aftermarket), and use Gamebooster to shut down all unecessary processes running in the background. That will solve most of your problems.


    Oh and dont run any music progams or be surfing in another browser while playing (and even shut down the main browser and only have the game browser open)

  • philspace
    65 Posts
    Wed, Jan 19 2011 2:19 AM

    Yes and No.

    It is true that in most cases any meter problems are related to the player's computer. The original poster is right as well, however, that the meter issue has rather worsened than improved. This is my personal observation and the observation of many other players - a glance at the forums and thread titles will quickly reveal this.

    It feels hard to believe that this is solely the result of deteriorating players' computer performance, and that people ignore computer settings and suggestions like yours to continue pouring money down the drain. More likely this is primarily the result of the various flash animations that have been added to the game browser window (friends logging on and off, club names and logos, etc).

    The problem lies in words like "most," "primarily," etc. Since the meter issue CAN be related to the player's computer, and since WGT explicitly states in its Terms & Conditions that it does not warrant the accuracy of the Materials and is not liable for any errors, WGT CAN decide not to do anything about it.

    For the sake of customer satisfaction, however, WGT may want to consider incorporating some changes suggested by fellow players, such as decreasing the number of flash animations in the game browser window. Most of these are not essential for game play and should be easy to remove. No matter how significant the impact would ultimately be in terms of meter smoothness, it would at least underscore WGT's interest in customer satisfaction.

  • trsix
    43 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2011 9:35 AM

    learn to manage your computer. most dummies have 45 or so resources running then wonder why their crappy hp or dell is slow with a erratic meter.

  • Cralgolf
    2 Posts
    Thu, Feb 24 2011 1:24 AM

    My m17x r2 has an aweful meter running very optimised for gaming. Wow on ultra does not miss a beat. i7 840  6gb ddr3  dual 5870 crossfire.


    My old as the hill Dell workstation at work has very few issues and has 4 different users, numerous apps running and rarely optimised.

    Both using Chrome with latest flash 10.2


    The only difference is the internet speed with work being very fast and home "only" being ADSL2+

    My problem is definitely not the hardware

  • Spacklero
    386 Posts
    Thu, Feb 24 2011 10:09 AM

    Meter is same now as its always been - since Ive been here anyway.

  • boneser
    6 Posts
    Fri, May 20 2011 7:59 AM

    Meter has gotten worse in the past month. How can they add courses where they expect you to pay a 100 credit green fee if you can't hit the ball.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Fri, May 20 2011 8:13 AM

    Both using Chrome with latest flash 10.2

    Flash 10.3 is out

  • swdeva
    238 Posts
    Fri, May 20 2011 9:15 AM

    Try this:  When yu are playing a match;go to menu which is in upper left hand box where chat and friends is. CLICK menu;CLICK game settings, change flash quality to medium or low, turn off reflections. CLICK save.   This will help loading issues as well as your meter. Good luck


  • Fredddddy
    177 Posts
    Fri, May 20 2011 9:48 AM

    Look why is this the ONLY game that i have problems with and why should i lower the quality why can't it be addressed and a remedy found. This question has been asked a million times but never answered . It is not everyone's computer that is impossible.

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