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2 Suggestions

Wed, Jan 19 2011 5:11 PM (1 replies)
  • NickN85
    193 Posts
    Tue, Jan 18 2011 8:56 PM

    Ok first off I know I've only been playing for a few days and this is my first post in the forums but hear me out...

    1. I know WGT is all about making money to keep the game free, and I know that alot of people probably won't like this suggestion due to it being just another thing they have to pay for, but the skycaddie sgx ad thing that pops up between holes is annoying (not to mention cause ppl to have laggy load issues between holes from what I've seen) and I havent seen a way to turn it off.. so I propose a win win for both parties, allow players to spend a certain amount of credits to have it removed for a certain amount of time. (this could even be for the ingame ads at the bottom of the page above "continue"). Something along the lines of like 50 credits removes it for a week, 180 for a month.. and so forth in package format... ending in something like $20 US a year... or whatever prices WGT comes up with.


    2. This ones a 2 parter...

     A. Setup a chat feature while in Alt. Shot you have the ability to chat to you partner without the other team seeing it. That way you can strategize without having to use a 3rd party chat system.

     B. At the current time the person who sets up an Alt. Shot game has the ability to invite 1 of their friends to join the game, well why not allow the 3rd person to join the ability as well... that way you could have 2 players per team that know each other and work well together without all 4 having to know each other. It seems unfair that 2 ppl can team up while the other 2 have to be complete strangers and hope the other is a good match.

  • NickN85
    193 Posts
    Wed, Jan 19 2011 5:11 PM


    For the chat system it wouldnt have to be some sort of Private Messaging system like some people invision when they think of being able to privately speak with someone in chat... But more of a function feature where maybe you click on the persons name in chat and it adds a line of code something like.. #playername... before the msg with a space between, and then the msg shows up only for that person in the chat box and maybe in a different color or something. That way you dont have to overhaul the chat system... just add a few lines of code to it.