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Best suggestio ever !

Fri, Jan 21 2011 12:49 PM (5 replies)
  • TheCassidy
    51 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2011 12:35 AM

    Can we please have a driving range where we can master our clubs WGT?


    thank you we love you

  • borntobesting
    9,767 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2011 7:53 AM


    Can we please have a driving range where we can master our clubs WGT?


    thank you we love you

    I see no reason at all for a driving range. Why? Most people go to a driving range for 1 of 3 reasons. Just to band the ball with their driver over and over again. 2. To loosen up before a round and 3. To work out a kink in their swing. 

    1. Why do you need to bang the driver over and over again????? 2 There is no need to loosen up for this game. 3. On this game you swing is a good as it will ever get. You either ding the meter and hit a good shot or you don't and hitting balls on a driving range is not going to make you ding the meter any better. 

    Every thing that you might want to use a driving range for can be done in a practice round, and on a driving range you won't be able to find what type of shot is needed to say clear the trees along the right side of #13 @ BPB.

    WGT's money could be put to better uses by making new courses and such. 

  • TheCassidy
    51 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2011 2:37 PM

    to work on distance and spin control with irons, i couldnt find the "re-take shot over and over and over and over again" option in the menu in practice round.

  • craigswan
    32,279 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2011 2:54 PM

    If you have a driving range you need to employ a man with a caged tractor to collect all the balls .If wgt do this on every golf course it will reduce the unemployment  statistics in these credit crunch times .

    To take this a step further wgt could employ starters , caddies ,and fast food outlets .

    world crisis solved .

  • craigswan
    32,279 Posts
    Fri, Jan 21 2011 11:09 AM

    General motors could go into caged tractors manufacture .Water companies could employ divers to fetch the balls from water hazards and lackies could find work by teeing each ball up on the range .The list is endless and lizzie could be our cheerleader as she has the legs,the waist,the bum, the smile ,the charm and the magic glow to make us feel all warm inside .

    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Jan 21 2011 12:49 PM

    I see no reason at all for a driving range. Why?


    Apart from the fact this suggestion is OLD and WGT are aware of the need for a driving range and putting green.


    There are several good reasons for one apart from just 'banging the balls'.

    Trying different swings, clubs practicing spin etc etc etc

    Every thing that you might want to use a driving range for can be done in a practice round,

    A practice round wont let you retry the shot. you have to move on.