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A Gallery Option

Sat, Jan 22 2011 10:00 AM (3 replies)
  • Trackterror03
    105 Posts
    Sat, Jan 22 2011 8:29 AM

    Hi All,

    I don't know if this has ever been proposed before, but how about an option to watch other players in play. You can call it "The Gallery".

    For example, one logs in and sees several of his friends, but they are red. He can click on the friends name and then click "Enter Gallery" and observe, possibly even chat with his/her friends while they play. A player would know if someone is observing them by a icon that possibly changes color, and he/she could click on it and it would say "View My Gallery" and then show "Players Name/Handle" is observing the round. And at that point the player may be able to send a chat to the observing member in the gallery.

    Please sound off if this is a good or a bad idea.



  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Jan 22 2011 9:03 AM

    Bigtime like the idea, TT. In the Links days you could send .wav files through chat and it was a friggin riot. Download drops from movies and play them during the match at the right time. What a hoot!

    Unfortunately, I don't think it will ever happen.  :(

  • lardog18
    15 Posts
    Sat, Jan 22 2011 9:26 AM

    I think it would be a great ideal.  If  W G T ever made this option available they would have to make sure that all players in the group where made aware of the gallery and the conversation between players and gallery therefore no hints or tips could be discuss in helping someone play better. This could also help someone learn how to make certain shots, like chipping, putting etc.



  • RUSTY40
    255 Posts
    Sat, Jan 22 2011 10:00 AM

    This is a great idea especially for sanctioned Tournaments (finals etc). I have seen a few matches that are broadcast live by some members but I don't know how they do it. It is very interesting. It is shown from one players screen (pov). You see everything that player is doing.