In Search of a very competitive/active and friendly CC (non dictatorship)
I play this game daily (2 Pass user) and have been putting 42,000 + xp / month on the board, have reached level 69 Tour Pro Ave 72.88, joined 08-18-15 (first timer).
I hope to find a CC (non dictatorship) that has lots of internal Tier / Handicap minded Tourneys, as well as having a very Active, Fun, Encouraging and Competitive Membership base. My Stats are mainly from WGT monthly/weekly Tournaments, Challenges and Bracket play. As for my non-existent Stats in Match/Multi Player category has been due to many issues with game timing out as well as tolerating a hop scotchity skippitty, jumpity (Jones'n out) unwanted guest of a system. I stopped Blitzing due to letting the others down but 2 positives do come out of it, I remain undefeated (not for long) and have less people pissed at me. I have just discovered they were my issues that mainly being I E / among others, gone to Maxthon now and WOW I can play uninterrupted and my average went down 3.5 in 3 days Thanks to High Heaven for that as well as "Tek Skewl Putting", Pinunters, Ping, and this very Forum and it awesome Contributors (save a few) as well as other WGT members. Oh cant forget a lotta freak'n math as well (Mr. Kean).
This is a Great game and I hope some Club out there hs room for me, I will play daily (sometimes non-stop) for said Club and will gladly participate in "The Murdering of Ballz" at every oppurtunity afforded me, as well as participate in Forum/Chat Room to help grow in and with the Group as well as be up to the minute to help fulfill any needs of the Club. I am looking to Build My Game in a positive environment where we ALL help one another no matter what Class(Tier).
Healthy Competitive Gamesmanship is of the utmost importance to me, I look forward to helping out a Great Club in any manner possible. I believe y'all know what to do next.
Peace Out