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Tough-It-Out VT November event: Olympic

rated by 0 users
Thu, Dec 10 2015 4:08 PM (91 replies)
  • BunkerBuzzer
    269 Posts
    Fri, Nov 27 2015 2:54 PM

    If prize-winners could also please post their desired sleeve(s), that would be great.

    I'd like to try the new gold  vapour  black max pro please. 

    and a big thank you to wgt, the sponsors and Corwyn for setting these TIO

    Edited: found out the gold ones are only for limited time :-(

  • thesupernova
    7,331 Posts
    Sat, Nov 28 2015 3:47 PM


    It's laudable that you would come to the defense of your friend.

    Of course I don't think Tess cheated. I count her as a friend too and value that. However, as will be painfully obvious if you look at the prior events of Tough-It-Out, I can't bend the rules just because I myself might be convinced a player has played legitimately. Every player has to provide the proof that is asked for.

    The evidence that she displayed ,albeit an error in a screenshot .................

    Yes in a criminal court case you are right.

    But in a civil court case where common sense and reasonable evidence is taken in consideration,

    you would clearly loose.

    Not showing courage ,I hope is not a common place in your every day life decisions but clearly you dropped the ball with the Priestess Disqualification.

    She was leading ,so i am sure you made many people happy.

    Sigh ,I guess making tough decisions for many people are just too stressful and difficult

    Yes ,technically ,you had a point.

    But the rules were written to bring to light honesty and fair play to the match.

    Being as inflexible as you have exhibited simple and lazy decision making.

    Not every decision has to be black and white.



  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Sat, Nov 28 2015 4:53 PM

    I'll happily defend Corwyn on this or any other of the unpleasant decisions he has to make. Tess provided no evidence whatsoever - a screenshot showing starter clubs with nothing at all to tie it to the round in question is of no use to anyone, and is not remotely what is being asked for. We all love her, but you cannot start bending the rules for friends. Corwyn is absolutely right to apply the rules rigourously and inflexibly because that is what makes them fair - being the same for everyone. If you want your scores to count, do what is asked. If you don't, you can still play but your scores will not count, and you only have yourself to blame.

    I'd like to think Tess would be horrified by the rudeness and thoughtlessness displayed in the above post, even if it was from a close friend.

  • mmyers0
    478 Posts
    Sat, Nov 28 2015 10:45 PM

    Nike L61 for me please.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Nov 28 2015 11:22 PM

    Tess provided no evidence whatsoever - a screenshot showing starter clubs with nothing at all to tie it to the round in question is of no use to anyone, and is not remotely what is being asked for. We all love her, but you cannot start bending the rules for friends. Corwyn is absolutely right to apply the rules rigourously and inflexibly because that is what makes them fair - being the same for everyone.

    Couldn't agree more..

    ( except the 'love' and 'friends' bit )  I don't know her.  :-))

    I'd like to think Tess would be horrified by the rudeness and thoughtlessness displayed in the above post,

    Let's hope she wouldn't concur with that diatribe..

    The spelling and grammar leave a lot to desired too.  ;-)


  • razza31
    703 Posts
    Sun, Nov 29 2015 9:57 PM


    you only have yourself to blame.

    yep yep

  • HIOSoon
    208 Posts
    Mon, Nov 30 2015 5:12 AM

    8) Most 1-Putt Saves (as determined by scorecard)   SPONSORED: Corwyn   WINNER: Corwyn & HIOSoon with 12

    Tho I was out the running this month. max pro for me please.

    N1 Corwyn, for the balls and the compz ;)

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Tue, Dec 1 2015 7:49 AM

    Thank you Mags (and Andy too) for your posts. I'm really grateful not to have to respond myself!


    Any late stats entries should have come in by Sunday at midnight... so here is the wrap-up post for the November 2015 Tough-It-Out Tourney @ Olympic...

    THE FINAL LEADERBOARD: (link here):

    Once again, par has been the benchmark for our monthly TIO tournament, with the only player shooting par or under winning.


    A sleeve (sent by WGT) goes to each of the top 5 verified finishers on the final leaderboard (i.e. those who provided club proof for both rounds). They are: Corwynmmyers0fmagnetsBunkerBuzzer, OleFernando.

    1  Corwyn        lvl90 Black Nikes   CONFIRMED

    4  mmyers0    lvl61 Nikes  CONFIRMED

    5  BunkerBuzzer    Max Slow Meter Pro (Black)   CONFIRMED

    5  OleFernando    Max Slow Meter Pro (Black)   CONFIRMED

    5  fmagnets    lvl90 Black Nikes   CONFIRMED

    I'll send this list to Shoe today.



    Spreadsheet is here.

    Here is a pic of the final standings for these prizes: right-click on the image to enlarge, and keep clicking until you get largest view

    Note I've added a highlight in yellow on the box where that player won that category, and highlights in blue if they were next in the standings.


    Notable achievements from Stats sheet:

    Highest overall percentage of Greens in Regulation:... BunkerBuzzer got the top spot here with a very impressive 66.5%.

    Closest Average Distance to the PinCorwyn was the winner here, with a total of 20.7ft, and just edged out fmagnets by 1ft.

    Scrambling: Corwyn topped this category, with an 87.5% total.

    Number of saves: (total number of 1-putt par saves through 36 holes, as shown on all cards): ... Corwyn and HIOSoon topped this category with a total of 12 saves.

    Most Number of Birdies: Corwyn was the big leader in this category, with an total of 9 birdies.

    Least Number of Bogies: Corwyn also had the least bogies with 4.

    Greatest overall total distance made putts: mmyers0 would certainly have won this category after exceeding 100ft in both rounds (per replays saved for R2), but lost stats when browser crashed overnight). fmagnets takes the official honors with 172.58ft, a few feet more than Corwyn... but both razza and DaniUnchained capped their totals.

    Longest putt made: was by Wesdogg75 with a 49.9ft effort, while toothsayer sunk a 48.8ft bomb as well.

    Least # of Putts: was Corwyn with 51 (25/26).

    No 3-Putts: No-one avoided a 3-putt at Olympic, but BunkerBuzzer did the best with just 1.


    These were the sponsored prizes:

    1) Highest overall % of GIR  (tiebreaker: Ave Distance to Pin)    SPONSORED: Corwyn   WINNER: BunkerBuzzer with 66.5% 

    2) Closest Ave. Distance to the Hole              SPONSORED: Corwyn   WINNER: Corwyn is the winner with 20.7ft

    8) Most 1-Putt Saves (as determined by scorecard)   SPONSORED: Corwyn   WINNER: Corwyn & HIOSoon with 12


    BunkerBuzzer    Max Slow Meter Pro (Black)  CONFIRMED  [SENT]

    HIOSoon        Max Slow Meter Pro (Black)   CONFIRMED  [SENT]


    Thank you everyone once again for taking part in this event.

    As you know, the Tough-It-Out challenge has been a regular monthly event throughout 2015, typically falling in the 2nd and 3rd week each month. I had hoped we could finish it with Pebble Beach in December, but we'll have to see if that's possible. If not, I may ask if we can do Cabo and Whistler this month instead, as another double-header....

    ... and then extend 2015 into January to finish the TIO VT with Pebble.

  • thesupernova
    7,331 Posts
    Thu, Dec 10 2015 3:32 PM

    I'd like to think Tess would be horrified by the rudeness and thoughtlessness displayed in the above post, even if it was from a close friend.


    Another closed minded and simplistic remark.

    I wasn't rude ,just stating the obvious.

    You want rude??

    Get stuffed  !!


    Ya can't take criticism or blunt statements

    Then you are  just way to sensitive.

    My post was neither thoughtless or rude.



    What a drama queen


  • thesupernova
    7,331 Posts
    Thu, Dec 10 2015 3:45 PM


    he spelling and grammar leave a lot to desired too.  ;-)




    Couldn't agree more..

    ( except the 'love' and 'friends' bit )  I don't know her.  :-))

    I'd like to think Tess would be horrified by the rudeness and thoughtlessness displayed in the above post,

    Let's hope she wouldn't concur with that diatribe..

    The spelling and grammar leave a lot to desired too.  ;-)


    Yes I can be a typo Queen,

    So that is your best?/

    To criticize  a typo??

    Your reaching.


    Theses pics of the conditions of the upcoming Olympics is horrifying.

    I do not get intimidated by simple minds 

    Or wgt groupies

    This reminds me of someone Andy

                    A$$ Kisser

    Now THIS is a travesty 

    How people can live like this 

    Rio Olympics 2016: Water Pollution, Viral Testing To Be Addressed By Next Summer, Official Says