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Why practice putting?

Mon, May 30 2016 6:48 AM (54 replies)
  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, May 28 2016 11:36 AM


    All putts were identical

      Lol . Not identical . 

      Game deviation plus human error equals similar at best . 

    The people who tested would have hit those putts as identically as humanly possibly.  OK that's humanly possible, and yes an electron microscope might detect microns of difference.  Those microns do not explain the groupings, and so it's only game deviation we are talking about to any sensible intent.

    I'm out LOL

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, May 28 2016 12:38 PM


    All putts were identical

      Lol . Not identical . 

      Game deviation plus human error equals similar at best . 

    Man you just don't quit. It is totally possible to replicate an identical swing on a green. The avatar moves don't change and there's no eye angle to compensate for. It's a flat, 2 dimensional, empirical stop point that doesn't change.

      Game deviation

    You're getting closer. Try and understand what Andyson meant by the club deviation, not the game. I will give you credit for learning that deviation applies, now just focus on how it applies and where it comes from. Then factor that in to the results of those 20 identical putts (that might have taken 50 tries.)


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, May 28 2016 12:48 PM

    Game deviation plus human error equals similar at best . 

    Confused as usual.  Game deviation?  That's what being measured, it's not input to the hit.



  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Sat, May 28 2016 1:47 PM

    The bottom line is, there must be something else to putting that the players consistently shooting in the 50's have figured out that I need to know.

    So I've been reading this thread for a while, and learned some very interesting stuff. Yeah, I'm at Champion Tier, but that's more perseverance than skill. If ya keep plugging away, you'll get there. 

    Anyway. My rational answer is that the real key to putting doesn't have much to do with the putter (in general.) It has more to do with the approach shot. Get it close and have shorter putts. 

    Checking stats on some of the greats reveals average distance to hole on approach under 10 feet. Since this stat goes back to hack days, that's pretty impressive. I note that you and I are at identical 13 feet. 

    So, it looks like your original concern is absolutely correct. There isn't much use in practice putting except maybe to get better at elevation effects. 

    Just my 2 cents and maybe hogwash. :^)

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sat, May 28 2016 2:57 PM

    "Checking stats on some of the greats reveals average distance to hole on approach under 10 feet. Since this stat goes back to hack days, that's pretty impressive. I note that you and I are at identical 13 feet.."

    I almost always two putt from ten I gather "the greats" one putt these ?. That may be where the practicing pays off.

    Unless I have a wedge in my hand, I also rarely land within 15 feet...we all fluke shots occasionally, but usually I settle for a two putt on every hole.

    I am hopeless at reading some people have no sense of direction. It's innate and probably no amount of practice will help very much. I've been playing a long time..I've used very good a little better then plateaued. This is frustrating.

    I'm wondering if many people fall into a similar category?


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,588 Posts
    Sat, May 28 2016 3:14 PM


    I'm wondering if many people fall into a similar category?


    Pretty sure there are. For years I was happy with mediocre / average putting, more focused on NOT 3 putting rather tha  holing out the first putt.

    So I became very good on all speeds with distance control.

    Then when I got hold of my first Nike putter, I went on a rampage to find a methodology that would improve my one putt %.

    Coupled with that I focused on my approach shots.

  • ronnie19970
    74 Posts
    Sat, May 28 2016 3:33 PM

    I agree the low averages are cheaters or they work for WGT which makes them cheaters.

  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Sat, May 28 2016 4:33 PM


    I agree the low averages are cheaters or they work for WGT which makes them cheaters.

    That's still not true. 


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sat, May 28 2016 5:57 PM


    I agree the low averages are cheaters or they work for WGT which makes them cheaters.

    You have "supposedly" been on this site for less than a month, and this is your reasoned contribution to the public discourse?...pfft

    Your asinine accusations, devoid of any proof or accuracy, will stand you in good stead with a few other idiot trolls in this forum. 

    ps. You will find the short bus parked at the rear entrance..:)


  • K7JBQ
    1,469 Posts
    Sat, May 28 2016 6:04 PM

    You know this after a whopping total on one ranked round played?

    Do you also have a solution to Global Warming? Other than turning on the air conditioner?



    I agree the low averages are cheaters or they work for WGT which makes them cheaters.