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Why practice putting?

Mon, May 30 2016 6:48 AM (54 replies)
  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Nov 13 2015 6:11 AM



    The bottom line is, there must be something else to putting that the players consistently shooting in the 50's have figured out that I need to know.

    Are there any TL's or Champions out there willing to share?


    Yeah, it's called WGT has their own accounts, and many a number of'em @ that. these shills that shoot in the 50's are WGT. and the ones that dispute this comment are WGT sock puppets.

    Sad that someone with only a month on this site, can already be so jaded...oi vey

    ps...I've never been called a sock puppet before...I may actually borrow that line...:)


  • Tigerpaw509
    1,285 Posts
    Fri, Nov 13 2015 6:14 AM



    Ding is King dont let them fool you.


    Coming from a 38.50% 1-putter after 97 levels..... I would definitely listen to this guy.

    Of course I cant hit the DING

  • hpurey
    11,520 Posts
    Fri, Nov 13 2015 6:47 AM



    Ding is King dont let them fool you.


    Coming from a 38.50% 1-putter after 97 levels..... I would definitely listen to this guy.

    Stats don't mean crap really, for me at least anyhow.  I've had  way too many rounds that went south and I just start hitting shots (as practice) and finish the round anyway.

    example,  4 round CC tourney,  I'm 9 shots back from placing anywhere near payout positions so I know I need to play lights-out.   As soon as I make a par or worse and miss a few birds,  I know I am out of the round tourney for sure and finish the round as practice.

    I'm sure my stats are so far from accurate that it's not even funny.   


    Or back before mulligans, I would practice in ranked rounds just in case I hit a HIO or DE.  That way they would count in my stats.   Happened one time,  I hit a HIO during a practice round, before mulligans,  which means it was first shot from tee and was a bit pissed it didn't count as a HIO in my stats.   Also was before my first ace.  LOL

  • hakman123
    2,119 Posts
    Thu, May 26 2016 8:54 PM


    I did my own putter tests last year looking at how wind influences putt line and distance.

    These were done in the same way as the putter precision (same aim point and distance for multiple putts, and then duplicated for different wind direction.

    As you can see - the clustering balloons out in the direction of the wind from the aiming point. It is quite interesting to see how wind influences the putts, and also shows another set of precision results.


    Btw - the reason for selecting this green is that it is really flat. So green slopes do not influence the roll.


    Happy Hacking

    Neil (The Hakman)


  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Thu, May 26 2016 10:12 PM


    Stats don't mean crap really, for me at least anyhow.

    I'm sure my stats are so far from accurate that it's not even funny.   

    Same. I didn't make level 92 in 9 months caring about my stats, but it's easy for the rats to think they are indicative. As far as 'the ding', it may depend on if people are talking common putts or club shots. More than half of all the great replays I've saved on my notepad say 'off ding'.

    If you hit off ding and your shots are bad, you're aiming in the wrong spot. Logic.

    But whatever works in the end...


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,588 Posts
    Fri, May 27 2016 1:01 AM

    I like what neil has posted abve, proof , if ever I needed it that wind does affect putts.

    Many a putt in heavy wind I have come up short for that reason alone, and I always kick myself for not checking.

    I am an apex putter, just go back to where u think the apex is, estimate the power, ( the easiest part ) and hit it.

    On a good day, when my eye is in, I can make some unbelievable putts.

    N.B. On a perfectly flat green the apex will be halfway along the putt, down hil the apex is further away, and uphill the apex is closer.



  • sodakknight
    705 Posts
    Fri, May 27 2016 5:28 AM



    Yeah, it's called WGT has their own accounts, and many a number of'em @ that. these shills that shoot in the 50's are WGT. and the ones that dispute this comment are WGT sock puppets.

    Well that's just not true.


    It is true!  I'm leaving now but I'll be right back as a Tour Champion!

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Fri, May 27 2016 8:50 AM

    guess I won't be trying that . I can't even figure out a way to practice more than 1 putt . Got no idea what he is doing . 


    Unless you have an automated ball putter ( hitter ) . Not a human that doesn't have the capability to repeat exactly . Then you wouldn't know if

    Identical putts won't give us identical results.

      Because you haven't hit identical putts yet . 

      Because I am quite sure identical hits will give identical results .

    Let's see if I get this.....

    You say you have no idea what he is still critique the method used!

    Maybe you should read how the tests were done in the link provided before shooting your mouth off?

    Power: All putts hit at full 100% scale

    Accuracy: All putts were dinged

    Aim: All putts exactly aimed at the same point where two grid lines crossed

    Done in Practice mode and mulligans used to repeat the same exact putt.

    All the putts WERE hit identically! 


      Because I am quite sure identical hits will give identical results .

    Dumb Post Of The Year!  They DON'T! The rest of the world understands that all clubs have built in deviations and why all clubs have a precision rating.