If you ever have any luck in finding a good Country Club
(one that's members use Skype), please... let me know as well.
I have a group of about 8 friends (UK, USA, Australia), who
all play together most days on WGT using Skype as the only comms (chat and
Some of us belong to the same Country Club, but looking for
a new home.... Although in reality it is not that important, as we find the odd
Skype user at Random, to make up numbers in AS matches etc. We have converted a
few WGT players to skype as well.
So.... Even if you don't find a suitable club, feel free to send
me a skype friend invite and I will add you and play with you, and I can also introduce
you to a few other like-minded skype players.
Good luck,
(skype name:- kev.caine Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom).