Rethink - you can only play in a Clash with a pass. A round without a pass ain't a Clash round. Other than that, a free pass and a 37 cr pass give the same (basic) points. The advantage of double points is in the Super Passes, gratis.
=> No benefit in the paid pass, I'm afraid.
But, once you play a paid pass, the clock resets to four hours. If you used a free pass before, this probably means that you are late in the Clash, and the next free pass will be available late in the next Clash. To "help" your CC, you will perhaps buy another pass, pling-pling in the cashier.
pdb1: The significance is the higher accumulation of maximized points .in the CLASH
Even if you were correct with the higher accumulation, what would be the benefit?
A higher position on the leaderboard?
I really see no benefit from any position in a Clash Event - there are simply no prizes justifying the expenditure, and it's enough to pay for balls.
Of course, if someone puts ambition into the pass buying rat race, he is heartily invited to waste his credits!
And outside the Clash, we gain the most XPs, starting from 900+ for a single hole, with one(!) pass per day which can easily be a free pass. Then we have a second chance with the second free pass, about 460 XPs for an 18 hole tournament. Will a paid pass really justify 37 for another max of 460 XP(?), given that it will probably postpone the next chance of a free pass?
And what does an average CC get from it? Most of these benefits aren't really valuable, and from level 7 most CCs don't need them any more.