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Lost Balls WGT Owes Me From Meter Issues

rated by 0 users
Wed, Jan 26 2011 4:54 PM (0 replies)
  • JHoudy
    1 Posts
    Wed, Jan 26 2011 4:54 PM

    I really don't care about the score when the meter causes a 30 yard drive into the rough and it takes 4 hacks to get out but what about the lost balls? Hey WGT how about a few credits back for lost ball due to the meter? There is nothing I hate more than loosing a ball to the meter monster.

    While I am on the rant here how about giving the opposing team or opponent a "mulligan" option in Alt shot and Match play when an obvious WGT meter monster screws the opposing team or opponent? If you take our ball at least give us another chance!

    Or you could just fix the damn meter, I know you have enough of my money to get someone working on it.