This competition is being held to mark the "1 Year November Anniversary" of the WGT Bethpage Black Sasquatch being found after 5 plus years of WGTers searching for this paranormal legend first mentioned by MisterWGT all up in these very forums!
This is the master thread where ALL things related to this competition should be shared. That would include comments, questions, your "squatch cap images" for official entry.
This is meant to be a light-hearted FUN competition, and is gonna be just that!
- Find & Post Your Own Squatch Screen Capture of the "Bethpage Squatch"
- Multiple Chances To Win Via Assorted Competitions (see below)
- Hosted by Team Yancy & The WGT Alien Ambassadors Country Club
1. Grand Prize to who posts lowest shots needed to find the Squatch on screen
2. CTTS - Prize awarded to the WGTer whose "SquatchCap" aka ScreenCap has their own WGT avatar the closest to the Squatch on the screen
3.WGT Mobile Squatch Finder - Nobody has yet to see the Squatch on the mobile WGT golf app. First player to post a "SquatchCap" from the WGT app wins a prize!
4. Overall Random Drawing - One lucky player will receive a prize via a random drawing from all whom officially entered by posting a "SquatchCap"
5. Consolation Winner - a few players who have the highest shot totals on their posts will receive a prize as well!
Join in the fun of marking the 1-year anniversary of the Bethpage Black WGT Sasquatch being found - after many, many, WGTers have been looking for him for over 5 years! Play Bethpage Black Hole #9 in single hole practice mode and find the infamous greasy Sasquatch.
Anyone who enters has a chance to win a prize! Enter the contest with a "SquatchCap aka ScreenCapture" of both your WGT avatar and the B.B. Sasquatch on your screen and you can win prizes in a number of ways! Help is available via how-to videos & and messaging Team Yancy directly when needed to capture your screen and get it into the forums. WGTers "DocMoose", "Yobooya", & myself (my name is Yancy) are going to be available as much as possible thru this event to help in any way needed.
The overall goal is to find the B.B. Squatch in the lowest number of shots taken. Your number of shots taken will appear in your screen capture automatically - just like when playing WGT. This is not the only way to win a prize - see the other categories listed!
If you find yourself looking at the B.B. Squatch on your screen & you cannot remember how to get the "ScreenCap" - simply save the replay and contact Team Yancy for help. We will be available to help those who contact us promptly. Remember - any WGT player who enters has a chance to win one of the prizes!
We will accept a cellphone photo or camera photo of anykind if you are having issues using the ways we put up way back at the start of this forum thread. Please attempt the standard ways & message me if you need help, if we cannot get it done or its at a time when the boys from the "WGT Alien Ambassadors Country Club" or myself are not on the site live. (some sleep is needed over the weekend LOL)
Squatch competitions start NOW & run thru this Sunday - closes at 12pm PST
Check back shortly as the video tutorials & much more being posted asaps!
Happy Squatching & Good Luck to All!
Be Safe -- I am Yancy