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Slow loading

Sat, Jan 29 2011 8:35 AM (1 replies)
  • usmra
    32 Posts
    Fri, Jan 28 2011 4:14 AM

    If I preload a game or 2 of say, closest to the pin, before joining a group, the game loads quickly.  Otherwise it takes an unbearable amount of time.  Same goes for playing a second time even on the same course.  Is there anything I can do to speed this up?

  • Ihatecheats
    298 Posts
    Sat, Jan 29 2011 8:35 AM

    I played a 9 hole strokeplay at St Andrews today Sat 29th Jan. and it took 1 hour and 55 minutes to complete. Hole 1, 3 times load manager error. Hole 2, 4 times load manager error. Hole 3, 4 times load manager error. Hole 4, 5 times load manager error 3x from same spot.  Hole 5, 7 times load manager error 2x same spot 3x times same spot and 2x times same spot.  Hole 6, 3 times load manager error same spot. Hole 7,8 times load manager error 6x same spot. Hole 8, 5 times load manager error 3x same spot and 2x same spot. Hole 9, 5 times load manager error all same spot.

    McAfee pop up blocker swtiched off, CC cleaner used to no avail and I am still getting rounds that are the same as walking round with Stewart Cink. I reported it to WGT but no joy as yet. Makes me want to stop playing the game. It started when I had 38 consecutive days played and now it is 41 days played but I dont know for much longer. Anybody help me?