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Day 1...Christmas 2015

Wed, Dec 16 2015 5:46 AM (94 replies)
  • jetrep7
    1,327 Posts
    Sun, Dec 13 2015 3:30 PM

    Dear Santa McCaddie and Friends,

    I have enjoyed the WGT since joining in late August 2015. I have managed to reach Master status and level 86. I have played 786 ranked rounds and joined a great Country Club (United Federation of Virtual Golfers). I have achieved a double eagle, 400 yds drive, and a hole in one during this time. Also played in every club clash since joining my CC. Also played in numerous WGT and CC tournaments Also, I am on my 107th consecutive day of playing.

    That said, you may understand that it took upgrades to equipment to help me in these achievements and numerous balls.

    Santa, it would be very appreciated to find some NIKE 20XI-X (L-61) golf balls in my stocking this Christmas. 

    Thank you for the game and opportunity.

    Curtis Fox (jetrep7)

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Sun, Dec 13 2015 3:32 PM

    Dear Santa ,

    Hello and Good day to you Sir ,  My name is OPY .  My birthday is soon and then Christmas and the New year , Right after that will be my 7th year here in WGT land . 

    It would be really special to me if I could have the Gold Max putter . 

    Thank you Santa and WGT 


  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Sun, Dec 13 2015 3:41 PM

    I must  say   WOW     what a DAY1 ....... and the day is not done yet ,and So many demand  ,  Only  so much gifts to go around .......           That leaves  11 days to try  again   mes amis  ... :)         Frapp 

  • GaztheAssassin
    1 Posts
    Sun, Dec 13 2015 4:28 PM

    Merry Christmas, Santa!


    I'm a Tour Pro but can't seem to break par in any tournaments because my driver only goes 225 yards.  I would love a new driver - possibly a MAX Meter 9.5 Driver (L46+) or a RocketBallz Sage 2 9.5 Driver (L40+) so I can LET THE BIG DOG EAT!!!

    Thanks and Merry Christmas again!


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Dec 13 2015 4:41 PM

    would like.. everyone (including the Wiger) to get along just that little bit better this festive season and for the foreseeable future.

    I could not agree more......including the English and the hey it was a wish, not a miracle you were asking for.

    Wonderful to see this event in full bloom, well done MrC, Andy and the mystery Santa.

    Oh .......what would I like.......a putt that does not do a 360 horseshoe in extra holes :))

    Merry Christmas.

  • SwingingRoofer
    456 Posts
    Sun, Dec 13 2015 5:03 PM

    cant believe all this give me give me makes me sick i stopped reading n just came to here be nice if the...same gave back once in a while instead of always want... wat ever just my point a view i just want everyone to have a fun safe holiday n maybe give a little bit more this year then recieve i dont mean out in world lets try in wgt first  shoot em str8 .

  • askimm404
    5 Posts
    Sun, Dec 13 2015 6:13 PM

    Hello Santas and elves,


    I would like to get to Master this year, but am struggling to break par on some courses.

    I need some better equipment but really don't know where to start.


    Perhaps a driver, or perhaps a good 3 wood which will help me reach those longer holes.


    An example, playing the best of hardest hole 14, the long par 4 at Bethpage, today

    into a 9 wind, I hit my drive onto the fairway and had 326 yards left, LOL


    Any thing Santa can spare please will make my Christmas a joy.


    Thank you and a merry Christmas to all.



  • 9ironpete
    13 Posts
    Sun, Dec 13 2015 7:03 PM

    Hi Santa

    I would love a few sleeves of the Nike RZn Black Vapor balls or the <ax Slow Meter Vapor Balls

    I just seem to have lost my drive....


    Thank You

  • DavidHardy1
    75 Posts
    Sun, Dec 13 2015 7:23 PM

    Dear Santa,

    I have been extra good this year.  I always try to take the advice of our club captain, CEverett12 of the Bushwackers -- the best, most generous club owner in WGT.  My club mates rock, and we've become the only level 11 club in the top 20 (hi guys, as previously mentioned, you rock)!  First and foremost, I would like my club mates taken care of.  Please give them everything on their Christmas lists -- especially our captain -- because, once again, they rock.

    If anything is left, please may I have a TaylorMade M1 9 degree level 74 driver because I can't keep up with them, due to the fact that they rock.

    Thanks and Merry Christmas,

    David Hardy

    PS - Even if he doesn't ask, please give CEverett12, our club captain, a sleeve or two of his favorite balls:  Level 48 Nike 20XI-Xs.  If it comes down to a matter of resources and priorities, please make sure he's taken care of first.  He's done an awful lot to take care of us.  We recently had to badger him into a dues system so he could have a little help in all he does for us, and I don't think he feels right asking for himself.  But he deserves it more than anyone.

  • cadornette
    319 Posts
    Sun, Dec 13 2015 7:37 PM

    First of all, Merry Christmas. I'm a young guy from Argentina and I have been playing this game since 2009. It was really hard to improve. I thought many times on buying credits with my credit card but dollar is REALLY expensive here. In 2011, I finally managed to get a driver (Taylor Made, med fly and 280 yrds of average) and been playing with it until now...Im a Legend at the moment, and recieved irons as a gift from my girlfriend. I would really need a better driver now {taylormade r15 or one with high fly and 282+ yards if possible}with . It isn't easy to play in Legend with a non forgiving driver..I wouldnt ask you if i didnt REALLY needed it. Thank you very much, even if not getting it. God bless you. i hope you read me :)
