Just a rant but this game's f4cked for me tonight.
If the meter ain't going it's usual t-i-t-s up hooking and slicing the ball into no man's land then the false wind indicator kicks into over drive....well at least on st andrews anyway.
1st green hole is 59yrds with a 21 mph wind facing 1800hrs....so as a test i hit my 64 wedge it's full 60 yrds to see how it gets on.....and it lands 61 yrds then rolls 2 yrds forward.
2nd hole approach to green is 110 yrds with a 16mph wind facing 1930hrs so i rattle it 120 yrds with pitching wedge and it travels 88 yrds.
My question is....how da feck are we meant to try and play serious shots when the wind indicators are seriously f*cked up?
This game is becoming more and more of a lottery.
Whatever WGT are tweaking...please stop before the game becomes a farce.