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from tourmaster to legend

Sun, Dec 27 2015 2:02 PM (11 replies)
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  • mickocats
    14 Posts
    Sun, Dec 20 2015 8:45 AM

    What must i do to level up to legend i hav 66.46 in my hdcp

  • mathia14
    1,271 Posts
    Sun, Dec 20 2015 12:04 PM

    61.  Good luck.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Sun, Dec 20 2015 12:21 PM


    What must i do to level up to legend i hav 66.46 in my hdcp

    I would get rid of the hybrid and replace it with a wedge and upgrade your lob wedge. When I first started playing and searched the discussion forums for advice, the overwhelming consensus seemed to be that you don't need a hybrid but you absolutely need three good wedges. That was the best advice I've ever read on here. Since you already have the 64-degree Max wedge, I would add 56- and 60- degree versions of that wedge.


  • TracyMax
    2,361 Posts
    Sun, Dec 20 2015 1:02 PM



    What must i do to level up to legend i hav 66.46 in my hdcp

    I would get rid of the hybrid and replace it with a wedge and upgrade your lob wedge. When I first started playing and searched the discussion forums for advice, the overwhelming consensus seemed to be that you don't need a hybrid but you absolutely need three good wedges. That was the best advice I've ever read on here. Since you already have the 64-degree Max wedge, I would add 56- and 60- degree versions of that wedge.


    I would only say that you need to look at the gap between the 3-Iron/3 wood and the gap in your wedges and determine which you will likely use the most. Punching down a 3 wood doesn't work well as it has no spin to speak of. Punching down your PW might be a better choice. As I say, determine which you will use the most and go from there.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sun, Dec 20 2015 1:40 PM

    What must i do to level up to legend i hav 66.46 in my hdcp

    Play more courses with a Par of 60 to 80 - Par3s and Par5s (popular in your CC) don't count.

    You played a few nice 31s and 32s - these may help but you need 30s and lower, too.

  • K7JBQ
    1,468 Posts
    Mon, Dec 21 2015 7:31 AM

    At 66.46 you have a ways to go. Good advice on the three wedges. Definitely the way to go.

    You can also drop your average by beating Legends in match play, and by entering Tour Master Ready Goes. Placing in the top 3 will definitely drop your average. That was the key for me...just got promoted two days ago.

    But be careful what you wish for. At Legend, you are playing a much more difficult game.

  • 83Fabio
    20 Posts
    Mon, Dec 21 2015 10:30 AM


    But be careful what you wish for. At Legend, you are playing a much more difficult game.

    It change the green's speed from 11 to 12 and the lenght of the course or there are others differences?

    thank you


  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Wed, Dec 23 2015 10:25 PM


    What must i do to level up to legend i hav 66.46 in my hdcp

    Legend is a tier, not a level.

    So it might help to first understand the difference between the 2.

    From FAQ Home

    What are Tiers?

    A tier is your golf classification at the World Golf Tour. Based on the scores you shoot in a 9-hole or 18-hole Ranked Stroke Play rounds or Stroke Play Tournament round, you will be placed into a tier. The better your scores, the higher your tier will be. The basic tier is Hack, followed by Amateur, Pro, Tour Pro, Master, Tour Master, Legend and Tour Legend.

    What are Levels?

    WGT Experience Levels are new and are based on actions you perform on WGT such as completing rounds, hitting shots, earning awards, and interacting with other players. Experience Levels will not be skill-based like Tiers; instead, you will level up as you play and interact on WGT.





  • borntobesting
    9,746 Posts
    Thu, Dec 24 2015 5:17 AM



    What must i do to level up to legend i hav 66.46 in my hdcp

    I would get rid of the hybrid and replace it with a wedge and upgrade your lob wedge. When I first started playing and searched the discussion forums for advice, the overwhelming consensus seemed to be that you don't need a hybrid but you absolutely need three good wedges. That was the best advice I've ever read on here. Since you already have the 64-degree Max wedge, I would add 56- and 60- degree versions of that wedge.


    From the master tees which is where TM's play he doesn't even need a 3 wood either. Drop both the 3 wood and hybrid and carry 4 optional wedges. He might use the hybrid and 3 wood  3 or 4 times in an 18 hole round where he would use the extra 2 wedges many many more times. Many of us did that before we made legend.

    If I am playing a course where I am fairly certain I can't reach the par 5's in 2 I will still drop the 3 wood at times and carry 4 wedges. Not very often though because it surprises you how many even very long par 5's can be reached with the Big Bertha 3 wood.

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