Because of the fact that it seems that many of us are not happy with the new pay out system and the very arrogant way they reacted on my former post about it , I mailed the next writing to WGT:
Hello WGT,
We all now experienced the new pay out system ,
thought up by your company, and I paid it much attention, because I
think its a very unfair new way to pay out, only to favour the players
that already are almost always in the good money.
The marvelous thing
about the old system was the fact that also the lesser gods of virtual
golf had a possibility the play at least even, or earn a small profit.
And because they could with the occasional bigger profit, they would not
mind to lose sometimes too, still keeping the purpose of the game,
getting better, alive among the most of us.
And that last thing is
being crucial to such format as the ready go tournament. We are prepared
getting better for a certain amount of investment, but if the pay offs
are getting nearly impossible, we stop simply investing and so the new
pay out system will have a reverse effect of what is intended, namely
earning you guiys more money.
People simply cant afford playing anymore.
next thing that will happen is that the fun also in the other ways to
play on WGT will go away, just becuase people simply cant put more money
in, so in the long term you would lose players and I am convinced that
can never be the intention of WGT.
You have a wonderfull product
here, a very lifelike virtual game where many people have a lot of fun.
It should never be just alone for the money, though important, but there
is also something like consumerfriendlyness. Constantly moneygrabbing
new features will , at the end, bite you, just as it did so many
companies in the latest depression.
So, again, listen to the
people who make it possible to have such a marvelous game, the players
and turn back the new pay out system as it were, because that was one of
the most interesting tournaments WGT had and give the players the
feeling back that with the investment they made on WGT there is a fair
chance they can win some of that money back.
A concerned player
and one that will stop, and within a short time, as long as his now
earned credits last, will also leave the site
I dont know if it works, can only hope so, but i will keep fighting for a fair game, at least till I run out of credits or energy