WGTIcon, i mentioned this earlier but you dissmissed my point as me underhitting by less than halfway, even after i had explained furthermore.
Again i was at oakmont earlier 31 yards to pin, the cpu gave me pitch shot as first choice, i changed to full swing because bunker was in the way. Every time you give it full swing say about 3/4 of full power, ball goes up, lands and rolls say 2 yards, you can bet your house on this happening, and you always get close, but if your offered PITCH first, then change back to full swing, as just happened again for the upteenth time, the ball went up landed after 12 yards, then rolled for 8, a total of 20 yards, just like a pitch shot. This keeps happening, but only after changing from cpu's choice of pitch to full swing, and don't fob me off with "your not hitting wedge hard enough etc etc, because ALL the time usually when i hit 50 yard wedge from halfway or above i know exactly the yardage to hit and it ALWAYs works ball goes up , lands then runs for 2 yards and i'm always close to hole.
Can't you realise that it MIGHT be a BUG, because why is it perfect all the time, exept when i've been offred pitch first then change to full swing.