ScottHope:...I'll explain later. : )
For my audience of one, here's the lowdown.
Don't really need to use the font-family and font-size properties to change the font as I have been. Can just specify multiple properties in one declaration.
So instead of putting...
<p style="font-family:gabriola; font-size:1.5em;">Random text.</p> change both the font size and font type, I can put...
<p style="font:1.5em gabriola;">Random text.</p>
The important thing to remember when adding multiple properties in one declaration is the order of those properties. So with my example above, if I put the size property (1.5em) after the font family property (gabriola), it won't work.
The font size unit can be : em, px, pt, mm or %.
There are other properties that can be added but you're probably asleep already, hehe. : )