I know some people will want to take advantage of this option if it were in place, but on multiple occasions, a friendly alternate shot match gets cut short by a glitch, or an unfortunate disconnect. Then 3 out of the 4 players have to wait 5 minutes for a reconnect, or a forced forfeit.
I believe there are times when a disconnect happens, and the match is friendly enough that both sides would rather drop the match instead of forcing a team to forfeit. I have been on both sides of the board (either up 2 or down 2) and the leading team must forfeit. Sometimes it is legit, sometimes it is avoidance, but people still have to ability to accept a Drop Match request, or not. Personally, I would like to at least have that ability when you are taken back to the player lobby to wait, all 3 can agree to drop the match or not. Just some food for thought.