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The Georgian is a Joke

Tue, Jan 5 2016 4:10 PM (135 replies)
  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Thu, Dec 31 2015 4:20 PM




    I always like to think that my club exists to help it's members. Not the other way round.

    I have members that haven't played for quite a while but i wouldn't remove them as i consider them to be my friends.

    You don't mention anything they do to qualify for the title of "friend"...friendship is earned, and definitely a two way street. If someone joined a CC and has no interest in being active within it, or contributing to it in some way, then they are simply dead wood and should be shown the door...much like a house guest too lazy to work or contribute to the household...they take advantage of your good nature and give nothing in return...that's not friendship.


    Would you recommend kicking someone out without knowing why they haven't played for a while?

    I think this is a presumptive, mean spirited, generalisation.  I am in Dazza's cc and very much appreciate the way he lets us all do our own thing.  Some like to play in cc tournaments and many like ready-go's or brackets or whatever, some play many rounds a day and some hardly at all.  I've not seen any complaints about it.

    I'm not sure exactly what you mean with the getting work or contributions out of guests analogy (do you get them to hoover for you? Wash the dishes and put them all in the wrong places maybe?  Or simply charge them ;)).  What exactly is anyone, even someone who doesn't play at all, taking from the cc?  Does the putter pal wear out? We have 70 members and space for 250.

    Sorry if this sounds a bit aggressive but I've started my second beer ;)) 

    Happy new year to all.

    If people request to join a CC, there must be a reason? simply take up space and contribute nothing to the growing of, or the betterment of the CC? not put forward ideas to help the CC?, or help those struggling with their game? if they are ill or away, that is an entirely different matter...but Dazza didn't mention this. 

    ps...the next time you let someone stay in your home for a loooooong period of time and mooch off you...I'm certain you will be most appreciative...maybe you feel like a cold beer...oops, none left?, and you're sure you still had some in the fridge ...well, I guess you can kill time by doing that sink load of dishes still sitting there...yup, he's defo a good "friend" think otherwise is mean

    Happy new year to you as well

  • jeepie411
    3,197 Posts
    Thu, Dec 31 2015 4:21 PM


    The BEST Red Tee Legend Crowned by jeepie411


    You are not even a mediocre Red Tee Legend so stop taking credit for something I would never say

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Thu, Dec 31 2015 5:38 PM

    As a CC Owner, I still think after all these years... A Country Club is a place we can all relax and have fun with no restrictions or rules (within reason). I think CC's is the backbone of Wgt. Takeaway the clubs and we are left to play Wgt comps   lol  (no offence) 

    No offence to any club but if you are forced to buy passes, I think that is pretty bad.

    It's hard enough to get clubs and golf balls, having to get passes too...  well, not good



  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Fri, Jan 1 2016 1:05 AM

    No offence to any club but if you are forced to buy passes, I think that is pretty bad.

    Me too thought that way, but on rethinking, it looks more like a mere problem of communication.

    RD stated early in this thread,

    [CC passes] I have 50 purchased ones from the last CC Clash, I purchased them to help the team win the last clash, while lobbying in the CC forum for the Golden putter to go to the same person who booted me.

    I won't put money into this game ever again so if I am not playing enough to win credits I am going to use what little credits I have left wisely.

    So now I was saving those passes for the next CC Clash and if the person who owns that CC wasn't so pathetic she would of known that by simply asking.

    So you, RD, did not collect CC XPs as desired by the owner and you did not explain it - that put you in an unfavourable position. Furthermore, as Ms. F informed us, CC ejections are executed quickly and without explanation, so you may share the same fate.

    Apparently, they would not expect you to buy passes but to use free ones - which you would not get - and, while you were saving passes for the CC's benefit, they mistakened you to be unsupportive.

    I once was tought that human communication is likely to fail, but "no communication" is safe to do so.

    And now, let's go on, into the new year, with new fun to come!

    Happy New Year everybody!!

  • roaddawgstyle
    305 Posts
    Fri, Jan 1 2016 1:13 AM

    I don't understand why these two are choosing to air their dirty laundry out here in the forum, other than professional jealousy.


    Not airing dirty laundry just pointing out a two face CC owner, and damn I am busted I am jealous of you guys stuck in a CC with miles of forum posts bickering about who should get the Golden Putter.

    But, while we're at it, why don't you ask FATTY501 why she chooses to send messages to other members of  The Georgian

    you mean the same thing sue does, I was on another CC and she saw the points I put up against her in a clash and within hours I had an invite, also her reason for dropping me on her friends list was she is out recruiting(poaching) new members and doesn't have room on her list hmmmmm has anyone found that there is a limit on the friends list(and yes I know as I type this WGT will read it and think  hmmmm 5 credits a friend 10 for 45 credits)


  • FATTY501
    9,445 Posts
    Fri, Jan 1 2016 2:14 AM


  • FATTY501
    9,445 Posts
    Fri, Jan 1 2016 8:11 AM


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Jan 1 2016 8:21 AM

    "sometimes I notice that i've lost a few but not due to with of us removing it. Guessing its a WGT fault."

    Dan, the same thing has happened to me a few times...makes for a lot of awkward explaining when friends think you arbitrarily booted them, and you haven't even yet realized they were


  • mathia14
    1,271 Posts
    Fri, Jan 1 2016 8:36 AM


    Dan , thank you for the good wishes, I would like to continue this discussion privately, lets see if you accept my friend request..S


    Sounds to me like somebody is looking for cc invite to sleep with the golden goat.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Fri, Jan 1 2016 9:17 AM

    I don't really want to get involved in this again so just a minor point.......

    6. I asked in our forum what happened for Fatty to be so bitter as I don't remember her being there. The response was very quick,

    645 Posts
    10-27-2015 3:29 PM

    Vandasey - All you say about FATTY501 sounds reasonable enough, although I can't see why you didn't/don't simply ask in the" forum where you speak openly" (the name seems memorable enough, as do the suggested circumstances).

    ....two months isn't that quick.