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Help - Be2 Scam

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Sun, Jul 17 2011 4:17 AM (19 replies)
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  • TC9495
    1,219 Posts
    Fri, Feb 4 2011 9:13 AM

    On Wednesday 2nd February 2011 I signed up for a free 7 day trial with through WGT and Trialpay and received 2500 Credits. Two days later I cancelled my membership with Be2 and thought that was the end of it. However I have since found out that Be2 charged my credit card £89 immediately on 2nd February despite it being a so-called free offer. I have looked on the WGT website but can now not find details of the offer which I need to send to my credit card company in order to dispute the payment.

    Can anyone please send me details of the original “offer” so that I can send on to my credit card company to show that it stated it was a free 7 day trial.

    I feel I must point out that I am new to and love the game and I’m sure WGT did not benefit from this but having since read many stories on the internet of other people that have been scammed by Be2, I am very disappointed that WGT have seen fit to partner with such charlatans.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I have emailed WGT regarding this but have not yet had a reply, although that was only about an hour ago, so thought I would try to get help from the community.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Fri, Feb 4 2011 10:11 AM

    If they are legitimate be patient and look for your cancellation to show up as a credit on your next billing statement.

    On the other hand, when you sign up for such an offer the business is happy to have you as a new customer... that's why they made the offer.  When you sign up fully intending to cancel immediately just so you can get the 2500 WGT points is that not a scam, too?

  • TarheelsRule
    5,551 Posts
    Fri, Feb 4 2011 10:17 AM
    I have never used the offer that you spoke of, but as said above, if people are just signing up for offers to get the 2500 WGT points and have no intention of every using the service, then all they are doing is trying to get $25 free. I realize that you are only playing the system but these businesses have to make money as well as does the WGT. If everyone signs up in this way, the offers will go away. I think that you can count on any of these businesses charging you for what you have signed up for immediately and taking 7 to 10 business days to get your credit back and probably a few emails asking you not to quit.
  • MioKontic
    4,643 Posts
    Fri, Feb 4 2011 2:39 PM

    The OP does have a point though - if it says free 7-day trial, IT SHOULD BE FREE FOR 7 DAYS!  They will expect 98% of people to cancel within the trial period, but they are looking for that 2%.

    Have you had an email confirmation from them of any sort, either when signing up or cancelling?  Try contacting them by phone.  Go to their website if they have one to get their phone number.  Failing all that, on the offers page click on Support in the top right corner (same level at the offers categories).  Find the offer, then click Contact Support (should be TrialPay support) and take it from there.  TrialPay should be able to sort it out.

    I did one today for emusic.  Got me worried now!

  • TC9495
    1,219 Posts
    Fri, Feb 4 2011 4:51 PM


    On the other hand, when you sign up for such an offer the business is happy to have you as a new customer... that's why they made the offer.  When you sign up fully intending to cancel immediately just so you can get the 2500 WGT points is that not a scam, too?

    Thanks for your "help" Doublemochaman but when you receive $25 worth of credits and get charged $140 for the privilege i fail to see how I am the scammer. I am single and play on WGT so thought perfect, what a great way to earn credits and maybe meet somebody special at the same time but then found that the service and site is not fit for purpose with all the so-called matches living 100's of miles away and having since searched on Google the whole setup is a scam aimed at innocent, vulnerable people. Check it out for yourself.

  • TC9495
    1,219 Posts
    Fri, Feb 4 2011 4:53 PM

    Thanks for the advice MioKontic, much appreciated.

  • CharlemagneRH
    1,054 Posts
    Fri, Feb 4 2011 11:34 PM

    The OP does have a point though - if it says free 7-day trial, IT SHOULD BE FREE FOR 7 DAYS!


    Part of getting a "free trial" is the option to discontinue the service.  If Be2 felt that too many people were going to sign up merely for credits and cancel immediately, they should've lowered the credit offer to perhaps 300 credits.  That way people that had no interest in the service probably wouldn't have felt it was worth their time, whereas people who were interested in joining Be2 would have seen it as a win-win situation and given Be2 an honest chance.

    Taking Be2's offering to the extreme, if Be2 had given out 10,000 credits to any new registrant, everyone and their brother on WGT would have signed up, and they should be able to predict that 99% of those people would then cancel their Be2 accounts immediately.  The fact that Be2 was willing to give out so many credits just for registering makes it seem fishy... like predatory lending.

  • BirdieButton
    164 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 11:34 AM


  • hopton13
    3 Posts
    Wed, Jun 15 2011 2:28 PM



    I just got suckered by this very same scam.. Signed up, tried to cancel, only to find out that my card had already been charged £89.


    Can you let me know if the problem was ever resolved, just to put my mind at ease?


    Thanks :)

  • TC9495
    1,219 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2011 8:11 AM

    Just in case you haven't cancelled your membership yet here's how to do it;

    Dear be2-user, Thank you for your request! You can easily cancel the automatic extension on our homepage. 1. Please log in to your profile and click “FAQ” in the bottom of the page.2. Click “Premium Membership and payment” and click “Payment”. Scroll down and click a link in the end that says "here" and then click "Continue".3. Please answer few questions about our service and click "Continue". After this the cancellation code will arrive to your email. After receiving the code, go through the steps above again to type it in to the required space to finish the cancellation process and get a confirmation to your email. The code will be valid for 48 hours. Please ensure that you cancel your Premium Membership 14 days before the next automatic extension. You will find the date of the next extension in your profile under “My profile”, “Settings“ / “Premium Membership“ / “View/Change”. In case your cancellation was done later than the communicated cancellation time, be aware that one more renewal will occur, due to be2´s cancellation policy. Please note that your cancellation will not automatically delete your profile. After cancellation you can delete it yourself in the member home area under “My profile”, "Settings" and "Delete profile". Please contact us if you have any questions! We would like to get your feedback. Please click on the link to answer us some short questions regarding our service:

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