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what is wrong with my clubs/balls?

Tue, Feb 8 2011 11:25 AM (38 replies)
  • darrenpaulLMB
    180 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 3:34 AM

    I have been using the same clubs and the same white tour SD balls, starting at 65c for quite a while and have never had a problem until now.

    I played a round on BPB this morning and had a shocker, on the 3rd hole (162 yards) should mean using a 6 iron with my clubs, a left to right wind of 8mph, with backspin, almost full swing, the ball fell short at 130 yards.

    I need to explain here that apart from the new clubs and balls I have, which I have been using for quite a while now. I am playing the game in exactly the same way I did the first time I played.

    when I first started playing, I did notice that iron shots would sometimes fall short by a yard or two, but not 30 yards or more.

  • MioKontic
    4,657 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 5:51 AM


    And the longer hitting clubs cause you to spend more time in the rough, so there are no easy cures.

    And that is when and why you start to appreciate the skill of the legends who have averages in the 50's or very low 60's.  It's a real shame there is no 'watch' facility to be able to see these guys play... nay, perform!

  • MBaggese
    15,375 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 3:37 PM

    I've seen you mention something twice..."almost full meter swing/backswing"

    That's pretty also didn't mention if you are dinging the shot or not.

    FWIW, I've been playing the same G10's from Pro through Master and never had a drop off in yardage....but when I use the Tour SD balls, I will lose some yardage on full Backspin vs full BS on the unlimited balls...but in the area of 2-5 yards depending on the wind and club...nothing like what you're seeing.

    You also have to consider BPB has some holes that only have a few feet of elevation chage, but require way more club when using the longer irons.

    Although your experience at Kaiwaii and SA should be the same, just longer approach shots now.




  • darrenpaulLMB
    180 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 3:46 PM

    I still seem to be having the same problem.

    I'm almost too ashamed to admit it but I have just finished an 18 hole round on BPB and ended up +19.

    my worst round since I started playing this game was +8 the first time I played on BPB, recently my scores have been going south very fast.

    I have never had rounds this bad, otherwise I wouldn't have advanced to tour pro. but since I advanced to tour pro, my iron shots just don't go as far as they used to, I am doing nothing different and using the same irons and balls.

    someone please help.

  • MadMP
    75 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 4:03 PM

       While I don't know the exact mechanics of how WGT works I do know you will go through periods where WGT Efs with you. Things seem to pick up a bit when you purchase something new. I believe the key word for playing this game is Tenacity. I play some rounds and all I do is swear and say "that's impossible" when the meter goes 100 mph and you couldn't possibly nail it or the iron you just hit for 180 yds goes 150 yds instead. It's sort of like real golf with one very big exception. Sand shots. In real golf,shots out of the sand tend to sit down or spin back a bit. A sand shot on WGT tends to keep on going even up hill. Go figure. Hang in there Bro.

  • darrenpaulLMB
    180 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 4:06 PM

    thanks MBaggese

    it's nothing to do with the fact that the holes on BPB only have a few feet of elevation, I am seeing this problem on all courses, I have tried shots from the fairway with all my irons (2010 rapture V2 graphite) and both my wedges (tour W 54 and 60 wedge) and they all are hitting the ball 20 yards or more less than they are supposed to, I have no idea why and it is something that has only happened recently.

  • darrenpaulLMB
    180 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 4:11 PM

    as for things picking up after buying something new, I recently bought 9 WGT tour SD balls and nothing seems to be picking up, it has only been recently that things have started to go wrong, I have never had such bad rounds.

  • darrenpaulLMB
    180 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 4:17 PM
    I also have the 2010 ping rapture V2 9.5 driver, the 2010 ping rapture V2 3 fairway wood, the 2010 ping rapture V2 2 hybrid 17 (graphite) and the ping redwood ZB putter, all are working fine, it's just my irons.
  • MBaggese
    15,375 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 4:24 PM

    One other thought regarding your scores....been awhile....but when you go to TP, the greens are now faster...from Fast to Very Fast, and don't you also move back to a further set of tees?

  • darrenpaulLMB
    180 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 4:42 PM

    I did think of that too, I got used to the very fast green speed pretty quickly and moving back to the next set of tees, but I have tried all my irons and both wedges in a practice round on all courses and get the same problem, all my irons and both wedges hit the ball at least 20 yards less than the stated distance for each iron. as I have said before, this is the first time I have ever had a problem like this.

    thanks to all for your help and advice, I really appreciate it :-)