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Amazing Player

Wed, Feb 9 2011 8:32 AM (11 replies)
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  • don300
    36 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 5:30 AM

    Tour Pro at level 76.   How is he still a Tour Pro and how did he get to level 76 in only 40 rounds?


    Stroke Play Score Average 63.00

    Best 9-Hole Round 29

    Best 18-Hole Round 60

    Total Ranked Rounds Played 40

    Total Holes-In-One0

    Total Double Eagles0

    Total Eagles 7

    Total Birdies148

    Total Pars228

    Total Bogeys52

    Total Double Bogeys14

    Total Others1

    Par 3 Score Avg.3.01

    Par 4 Score Avg.3.89

    Par 5 Score Avg.4.42

    Skill Challenge Avg. Score285.52

  • mohuyu
    891 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 6:53 AM

    Probably got to that level playing a lot of mp/alt/blitz.. A half-decent player yes but those records are by no means outstanding.I don't think we have anything to worry about...

    24 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 7:12 AM


    Tour Pro at level 76.   How is he still a Tour Pro and how did he get to level 76 in only 40 rounds?


    Stroke Play Score Average 63.00

    Best 9-Hole Round 29

    Best 18-Hole Round 60

    Total Ranked Rounds Played 40

    Total Holes-In-One0

    Total Double Eagles0

    Total Eagles 7

    Total Birdies148

    Total Pars228

    Total Bogeys52

    Total Double Bogeys14

    Total Others1

    Par 3 Score Avg.3.01

    Par 4 Score Avg.3.89

    Par 5 Score Avg.4.42

    Skill Challenge Avg. Score285.52

    Indeed, very impressive.  How about a Legend with only 101 ranked rounds.  Now that's pretty awesome.  The look up the score history, it only covers 1 page.  The things that make you go hmmmmmmm.

    Stroke Play Score Average60.93

    Best 9-Hole Round27

    Best 18-Hole Round57

    Total Ranked Rounds Played101

    Total Holes-In-One0

    Total Double Eagles0

    Total Eagles13

    Total Birdies355

    Total Pars526

    Total Bogeys162

    Total Double Bogeys35

    Total Others7

    Par 3 Score Avg.2.94

    Par 4 Score Avg.3.93

    Par 5 Score Avg.4.61

    Skill Challenge Avg. Score194.63

  • JustJimmy
    12 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 9:45 AM

    If a person had the patience, all he would need to do is play unlimited tournaments as a hack/amateur and make the most of the 10 shot per hole maximum shots, using the free starter clubs.

    This adds up to a great deal of free practice and will build up the levels and the skill, without jumping up in tiers.

    After a lot of free practice, we have potentially a high level amateur that can then go out and make his first club purchase from the  good G10's.

    I am unable to see how doing this could be doing anything against wgt rules and more to the point is it's how the new leveling system could push many players.

    Bringing back tier based clubs would prevent this.


  • MioKontic
    4,660 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 9:59 AM

    Did you know you also get level points for merely posting in the forum.  May not be much, but you could end up at a half-decent level without ever hitting a golf shot!

    24 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 1:29 PM

    My point was not in regards to the level as it was to the tier Legend in such a short period of time and small amount of ranked rounds.  Nothing to worry about the levels, just as you stated someone could play day and night practice rounds and never advance in tiers because practice does not affect your average.  WGT will not return to the tier based clubs because they would lose money on it.  Take me for example, I play on this game ALOT, in fact more than I should.  Now with the ALT shot game I don't play as many ranked rounds, in fact when I do play ranked rounds they normally are not low enough to reduce my avg.  Therefore, it will take me 3 1/2 lifetimes to make Legend, but as a TM I have the best of all equipment. WGT would have lost money in my case and in many cases like mine.  I am in no way attempting to stay a TM, I'm sure that some do for the benefit of winning tourneys and ready go's.  I don't play them so it has no impact on me either way.  Any time I play a ranked round I always post regardless of it being good or bad.

  • Joeyola
    1,210 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 4:48 PM

    Several factors are in play here.  First, Leveling has more to do with how much you play not how many rated rounds are played.  Did you know, for example, that you can not only get points for a practice round, but you can get extra points for completing the round and you can earn the 880 points for consecutive days played point in a practice round as well. 

    As to staying in a tier when it looks like one should be advancing, this all came about after the change back in September.  Before that, all you needed to do was play ranked rounds, post only your best scores and you moved up quickly.  Now, playing more is a factor, averages change slowly... and although WGT has never admitted this, I believe playing more or exclusively in Country Club tournements hurts your chances of advancing...after all, the playing conditions are set by the tournament creator, not WGT.  


  • borntobesting
    9,779 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 7:16 PM


    Several factors are in play here.  First, Leveling has more to do with how much you play not how many rated rounds are played.  Did you know, for example, that you can not only get points for a practice round, but you can get extra points for completing the round and you can earn the 880 points for consecutive days played point in a practice round as well. 

    As to staying in a tier when it looks like one should be advancing, this all came about after the change back in September.  Before that, all you needed to do was play ranked rounds, post only your best scores and you moved up quickly.  Now, playing more is a factor, averages change slowly... and although WGT has never admitted this, I believe playing more or exclusively in Country Club tournements hurts your chances of advancing...after all, the playing conditions are set by the tournament creator, not WGT.  


    Most of what you say is true Joey but the part about playing exclusively in country club tournaments hurts your chances of advancing is not right. While I do play in as many of the weekly and monthly tourneys that I can I play in more CC tourneys than anything and it was playing one of our CC tourneys with quite easy conditions that helped me advance to tour master. Of course playing extremely well during my rounds in that tourney helped. I played several rounds in that one tourney ranging from a high of  - 3 33 to my personal best -7  29. I played it exclusively when I decided it was time for me to advance to tour master. I took several days shooting nothing but under par rounds. So maybe shooting many under par rounds in a row has something to do with advancing from master to tour master and maybe tour pro to master.  Maybe that is not the best approach to advancing,That is playing only easier 9 hole tourneys on St.Andrews but that is what I chose to do. The first few rounds as tour master my average soared and almost a month later it is still 2 strokes higher than it was when I advanced. It took almost 50 rounds before a bad round didn't raise my average.

  • Joeyola
    1,210 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 8:06 PM

    but the part about playing exclusively in country club tournaments hurts your chances of advancing is not right

    Congrats on making TM!

    The OP was wondered why someone was not advancing and I was trying to shed some light on the matter.  Things have not been the same around here since the change and its obvious there are other factors in play...even if just slightly.  For one, I wish WGT would set a target or some measurable standard for advancement.  I know they are worried about sandbagging but I feel for those that have to play play lots of balls and only hope they will be promoted someday. 

    As to my Country Club comment, we all know the new algorithm is not a true average anymore...I believe it applies some weight or value to frequency of play, difficulty of a competition (like CC tournaments) as well as factoring in our average.  Who knows, even our Level and how much we spend around here might matter.  Anyway, its just an observation and food for thought...I guess we'll never know as there is no way to compare one player to another...which is my point.   


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, Feb 8 2011 11:19 AM


    if you feel someone is sandbagging or doing anything else against the rules, please email or contact me privately with the details.

    Thank you,


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