For those of you who were around for last year's Superbowl Squares, I'm bringing it back. Here's how our inaugural game looked ...
Here's the official Superbowl XLIX Squares Gamesheet:

Note: Click the image to get a full-screen view (or right-click and open image in a new tab)
And here's the official video:
How to play:
If you've never played "100 Squares" or "Superbowl Squares", it's actually really easy. Since prizes are awarded every quarter, you'll want to check the grid every quarter to see if you won.
The winner is determined by looking at the last number in each of the teams' score, and then matching those numbers on the grid and seeing which square intersects those two numbers. An example would be if the half-time score was Seattle 31, New England 28, the last number for the Seahawks is 1, and the last number for the Patriots is 8. The square on the grid that has the Seahawks with a number of 1, and Patriots score of 8, would be the winner. In this example, the half-time winner would be "Stobsbee".
---------- EDIT ----------
I do have some changes to the payouts this year so more people can get in on the winnings
Current Payouts - What you can win:
Each Quarter: A gift certificate valued at 500 WGT credits (from me) (edit - payout changed)
Each Score Change: A gift certificate valued at 500 WGT credits (from me) (edit - here's the change).
Final Score: What's left of 10,000 credits after the end of quarter and score changes have been paid out (edit - payout changed)
How the Score Change works: (part of the edit). Every time the score changes, the player possessing that score will win 500 credits. For example ... if the receiving team marches down the field and scores a touchdown, the player that possesses the 6-0 score will win a 500 credit gift certificate. If the extra point is successful, the player that possesses the 7-0 score will win a 500 credit certificate. Now if the other team ends up kicking a field goal on the next possession, the player holding that 7-3 score will receive a 500 credit certificate. If the quarter ends with the score of 7-3, that same player will receive another gift certificate of 500 credits. This will continue until the end of the game.
In the event that there are more than 16 score changes, I will use the credit donations to pay the score change holders prior to dipping into my own pocket (I think $100 USD is nice enough ... don't you). If history holds out, the average score changes is only 13, with only 6 games over the last 49 years exceeding 16 score changes. (So if you're the person sitting on that final score, you're hoping for less than 16 score changes!)
I hope that makes sense. It's been a really long day!
---------- End of Edit ----------
Wanna help?
I am accepting donations to get the pool larger! So, if you want to help out and make this a really big deal, I'll post your name to the payouts list above (or post anonymous). If you want to do an anonymous donation, send me a PM.
Simply reply to this post and let me know what you want to donate (balls, additional e-gift certs, etc.). Shoe may do a credit transfer as well if you ask him nicely (and don't rag about the stains on his tutu).
CVS E-Certs can be purchased here: [Click Here]
Wanna play?
Cool ... just reply to this post and let me know you're in. The first 100 to sign up will have their chance to win. Entrants will be determined based on when you signed up ... so sign up early (and only once)!
Kat ♥