This is and I still think this is the best Online Golf Game on the Net. I don't complain about too many things, but know the game play can be rubbish and I am really pee'd off. Bit like ya other half cracking the shites lol
Why is it when you first log on each day the Meter speed is normal as it should be. The more games you play each day the Meter Speed Quickens up and stays in Warp Speed. Of course because of my slow fading brain, I purchase clubs and balls to fit in with a slow speed. I get the Max balls for that reason and find the meter speed quickens up to be just about the same speed as the free Wgt balls you get... there is something wrong there and should not happen
The thing is, we are logged on to a site expecting the same conditions as in Meter speed from the time you log on to the time you log off, regardless of how many games you play each day.
Not complaining about the Clash Events... I find with every clash event there is a problem with Muli Play games.... slow loads, discos, stalling of shots, shots going everywhere but where you want it to go.
Not good enough
That is my Crack for the year... Fix the probs Wgt. Please