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Scoring average bug

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Mon, Feb 1 2016 1:46 PM (11 replies)
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  • firemangeorge
    15 Posts
    Tue, Jan 26 2016 4:37 AM

    Noticed that my scoring average took a dive for no reason. It was at 61.78. Now it shows 61.1 and I've had no low rounds lately to warrant any change.

    Anyone else had this happen or know the reason why ?

    I've been a long time player and do keep a watch on this average. Mostly because I thought that I was on the verge of being "promoted" and wasn't really looking forward to the tougher competition. LOL

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Jan 26 2016 4:57 AM

    It looks like you're saturated and your average is only going to go down now. Once you have recorded a certain number of ranked rounds your average won't go up, regardless of what you shoot. You won't necessarily need low rounds to lower that average, just lower scores than what you posted in the past.

    For instance, if you shoot say a 65 and you had a 70 in your history, the 65 would knock it out and your average would go down. It's the slow march to Legend for you.  :-)

  • firemangeorge
    15 Posts
    Tue, Jan 26 2016 5:32 AM

    Sorry. Maybe I wasn't clear in my post.

    I've seen the drops when I shoot something below my average. Shoot a 31 and it would go from something like 62.24 to 62.18. A .06 drop. My last below average score I shot was a 30. Dropped it something like .24 on my average to a 61.78. It had been at that average of 61.78 until today's 61.1 showed up.

    A .68 drop may not seem like much, but I would have had to shoot a world record low for mine to change that much.  I haven't recorded anything below a 32 since the last time it changed. If I haven't recorded anything below my average, then why the huge change ?

    Not complaining. Just wondering why and if maybe there was a snafu here.

    As stated, I've been a member here a long time and see how the scoring average system works. This time though, it made a drastic change to mine that was not normal to what I've seen over 95 levels of play.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Tue, Jan 26 2016 6:09 AM

    IIRC, tournament results also can affect scoring averages (part of WGT's anti-sandbagging efforts along with defeating higher tiers in Match Play).

    So your 2nd place finish in Wk4 9-Hole Single Play Uneven Lies tournament might account for the large drop in average.

  • firemangeorge
    15 Posts
    Tue, Jan 26 2016 6:50 AM

    Thanks for the reply and thoughts andyson.

    Hmmm. Shot a 32 in that one. Still not sure how that would cause my average drop. I've shot other similar scores in various other formats of play. Just never seen the large one time drop in average like I saw this time.

    I took a look at my scoring history and saw some scores in the 20's that were shot during some bracket events. These were some of those obscure nine hole par 3's thrown into the bracket event.

    I wonder if some of those par 3 scores were somehow averaged in as being from a normal par 35 or 36 event. Could just be a programming issue related to what I scored.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Tue, Jan 26 2016 7:02 AM


    I'm not really sure if you took in what YJ was telling you.

    My last below average score I shot was a 30. Dropped it something like .24 on my average to a 61.78.

    (I'm not certain of this but I think it's 50 ranked rounds until saturation for TM-Legend.)

    So your average was 62.02 and assume you were saturated with this round or before it.

    That incldes 3,101 shots (50 x 62.02 = 3,101)

    Your saturated average replaces your worst score included in the 50 rounds with the 30, which for averages is a 60.

     If the worst score was a 36 (72) this would remove 12 shots from your total 3,101-12 = 3,089.  to get your new average divide by 50   3,089/50=61.78.

    As all your scores are included until saturation there will be some larger ones there to be replaced, so averages will often drop steeply immediately after it kicks in.

    The bit I don't understand is  "It had been at that average of 61.78 until today's 61.1 showed up"

    I think the 30 you talk of was on Jan 3rd at PB since when you've had a 31 and quite a few 32's and 33's all or most of which I would expect to lower your average if, as I'm assuming, you became saturated around the start of the year. I think your average is right and if it was stuck at  61.78 that was the problem and it's now fixed.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Jan 26 2016 7:05 AM

    The par 3s and the par 5 don't affect your average.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Jan 29 2016 4:09 AM

    So your 2nd place finish in Wk4 9-Hole Single Play Uneven Lies tournament might account for the large drop in average.

    That means, while the 32 score may have caused a movement on the day you played, the 67 credits won may have caused an additional and stronger drop later. More so if you were surprised (without even playing?) when the pay-out happened.

  • firemangeorge
    15 Posts
    Mon, Feb 1 2016 10:40 AM

    alosso. Not following what you mean. Credits won have never changed my scoring avg. I've been a member here for years and won many credits before, so I'm pretty sure those credits don't affect this.

    As far as a 32(64) changing my average. Not seeing that either. That's higher than my 61 average score stat. The only time I see my average go down is when I shoot a score that is lower than that average.

    Fwiw. Once you start a new tier and record 10-20 or so rounds (not sure of the exact #), you get a new average. Guess the word is "reset". Then.....the average can only go down. Not up. At least that's the way mine's always worked.

    Anyhow. No real issue. I was just more curious as to the Why? I had never seen a drop in my average like that in 95 levels of playing.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Feb 1 2016 11:29 AM

    I was just more curious as to the Why? I had never seen a drop in my average like that in 95 levels of playing.

    What alosso is talking about is something WGT implemented a while back in an effort to curb sandbagging-they started looking at credits won. Players that avoided posting scores to keep the average high were staying in the same tier and cleaning up.

    I'm not saying this is what you're doing, you may well be a casualty of that change, but it's possible that's a factor here.

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