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"Balance" in putters

Thu, Jul 5 2018 11:07 PM (24 replies)
  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, Jan 30 2016 1:53 PM


    Save the sarcasm.  I'm being honest.

    ...truer, smoother roll...

  • vinceyboy
    25 Posts
    Sat, Jan 30 2016 3:20 PM

    It seems difficult to define. It reminds me of an old Senate commitee troubled with a definition for pornography, As one Senator stated he couldn't  define it, but he sure knew it when he saw it. I feel the same way...about balance 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Jan 30 2016 5:48 PM

    Save the sarcasm.  I'm being honest.

    Then you're having a senior moment. 

  • DoctorLarry
    4,322 Posts
    Thu, Jul 5 2018 11:07 PM


    Musta been some other Andy as I don't recall that convo.

    Convenient. I'll find it.


    Off to find that convo...........

    This same thread.  The day before your post above.  "Senior moments!"  LOL.

    BTW - I was searching for the same answer about balance and I think you are right.  It actually could apply to every club, but in the real world, only the putter has such a wide range of swing power that it would matter.  What other club can be used with a feather-light touch or sledge-hammer bash?

    So, in a virtual world - yes - it is magic, like "The Force".