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spinning...unexpected lobby

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Fri, Feb 5 2016 6:49 PM (13 replies)
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  • pinee
    71 Posts
    Mon, Feb 1 2016 12:43 PM

    WGT...can you try fix the spinning .. unexpected error's and no lobby after trying to re enter a game that i have been kicked out of ..getting to become hard work just to finish a game when playing against other player's because of all the issues going on.



    165 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2016 3:25 PM

    agree ,, the multi player games are full of bugs ,,something goes wrong everytime I play

    skins or alt shot . like picking up ball, boots you 99% of the time.

    gezzzz fix this ***

  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2016 3:55 PM

    Can you give us any more information about the game? Was it at the beginning of the game, end of the game? What game mode were you in? Any additional information would be very helpful. 


    165 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2016 5:15 PM

    in skins almost every game someone will get booted for some reason !

    and almost every time someone picks up ball It will boot them from the game.

    ive been booted 3 times & then DQ'ed several times

    it happens at any time,  no one time more than another

  • stiofano
    2 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2016 5:22 PM

    agree I'm getting booted virtually every time I play skins , or alternate , and more often than not with match play getting tiresome 


  • msulaman
    452 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2016 5:50 PM

    I find the problem is most often with AS games and usually at the beginning of the game. Sometimes the first player gets booted after everyone has joined the game and the course is loaded but before the first tee is shown. Other times a player fails to load after the first player is on the tee but before the first shot is taken. Other times a player times out after tee shots are taken but before approach shots can be hit.

    Often one player will time out and all are sent out to the player lobby. Then everyone loads and leaves the loby but someone has a blank (blue) screen while trying to return to the game. When this person fail to load, everyone gets sent back to the player lobby again. The person with the blank screen has to exit out of the game window and reload again. This can happen two or more times to different players before the game resumes again.

    Once the first hole or two is finished the game usually progresses fairly well from that point. However sometimes a player can fail to load later on in the game as well. Then its back to the player lobby. I generally manage to finish about 70-80% of the AS games that I play.

  • msulaman
    452 Posts
    Thu, Feb 4 2016 1:41 PM

    Step 1: AS game begins and I tee off as the host.

    Step 2: Game times out waiting for my partner to load. Players sent back to lobby before next player can tee off.

    Step 3 All players load in lobby but I get this screen while trying to load on the course

    Step 4: Back to lobby where everyone loads again and we all leave the lobby.

    Step 5: Either my partner of I don't make it back to the course because this is the next screen that I see.


    Step 6: Expletive Deleted

  • twinponds169
    3,051 Posts
    Thu, Feb 4 2016 2:39 PM

    A group of 5 or 6 of us meet every night to play and Skype and have done so for a long time. Rarely do we ever have a connection problem. Since the last update it seems to be a lesson in futility for us to complete a game. All of us are veterans of the "clear your caches" mantra, we all do daily maintenance. If only we could get WGT to do the same.

    Last night this problem really came to a head with four games wrecked in one way or another. Instead of our every night routine of putting hours of hits on our expensive Nike's, we all picked up our balls and said good night

    Seems like WGT has said goodnight as well. Hope the guy running TopGolf learns his lesson about late night shopping on the QVC channel.

  • JZeman17
    258 Posts
    Thu, Feb 4 2016 3:12 PM


    Can you give us any more information about the game? Was it at the beginning of the game, end of the game? What game mode were you in? Any additional information would be very helpful. 


    Come on man...what kind of rookie questions are these??? Haven't you been around long enough to know about "all of the issues" we are dealing with?  With these types of responses from you as a mod all you are doing is lowering your credibility and quite frankly embarrassing yourself.....rookie responses get rookie respect.  How about man up and deal with it through your work network.....really....


  • twichipper
    424 Posts
    Thu, Feb 4 2016 3:21 PM

    Hey Twinpnds,...

    I have had that happening to me.  For some  strange reason since he 1st of Jan. It has been nearly impossible for me to play any type of game with another player or a group,  I recently go  brand new computer, with a ton of power, speed and control.   It is not my system. I have 1 terabyte of hard drive and 6 gig of RAM.  But.... to no avail.AS a matter of fact, I have been kicked out by the message of WGT service could not reconnect . I tried to play for credits twice and lost due to not being allowed to reconnect from WGT SERVERS. 

    Nobody has come close making to this type of website, and They know it !!! meter has gotten of the wall and stabilization of the site as well.   Get  some new IT guru who can handle this once and for all and make this an enjoyable  or find an IT SERVER who is capable to handle the 4.2 million on here.  Much money is spent on here, so spend some of it "Mr.WGT and Mr Chang" to the people who support your life style.+

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