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Equipment question

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Wed, Feb 3 2016 9:19 PM (3 replies)
  • tguerr16
    33 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2016 4:37 PM

    Being new to this here is my question.  I have all WGT equipment i.e. clubs and balls.  As I start my quest to earn credits for better equipment do I first start with golf balls then clubs or vis versa, clubs first then balls.

    One more question, does a bag make a difference in your play or is that just a purchase you make once you are fully equipped and have extra credits to spend? 

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2016 8:50 PM

    I'd wait a while before buying clubs but a cheap ball with a bit of backspin will help your game. As for bags they are just for show, unless you have more than one set of good clubs they serve no purpose. As I only ever have 14 good clubs I never bothered.

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2016 8:57 PM

    Rule #1: Be reluctant with purchases - there's new and better offers at every level, and they come daily in the beginning.

    Rule #2: Be aware that tiering up will put you further back in tees and course length - big buy necessary at Master tier, then again as a Legend.

    I'd start with one (64°) or two (64, 60°) short wedges but not before L28. Then a 3WD as a budget replacement for the Starter driver, irons according to your money bag's size.

    Putter, not below 500 cr. This helps you to do your practice chores before deciding.

    Custom balls are worn and lost - a constant draught of credits. Start cheap - B-ES or Tour-SD - to get experience with this fact. My rule of thumb: No balls better (in level) than your main clubs.

    The Stand Bag doesn't influence the game - the description is exhaustive. Different to that, me thinks it's ugly and a waste of 400 cr.

    Stand Bag Plus holds four sets of clubs&balls, easing systematic changes before a game. Read the post on top of Bug Log Forum before selling unused clubs. More designs but still ugly IMHO.

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2016 9:19 PM

    Stand Bag Plus holds four sets of clubs&balls, easing systematic changes before a game. Read the post on top of Bug Log Forum before selling unused clubs. More designs but still ugly IMHO.

    ...and no longer available in the Pro Shop.