Ain't fun as it sounds.........That's what the people I've listened to said when I told 'em about it.
Take it and leave it.
Who chimes in other than the select few that have seen and heard?
I don't care if I get a free sleeve every day..........It's gotten so bad that I am embarrassed to even have good friends deal with an inability to finish a match......Whether it be me or them or whomever cares to try to give it a go.........
Rant? F YES..........Get your money in line over your lines and look around. Cash out and Vacate?
I already know.........Fuc KING bail and save the drama and mystery.
I've seen this...............I know.
Now that I know how to save a screen you might ditch the make up and just blush.
I need that cartoon flag one more time...........