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People vs. Pros July: A Triumph of Spirit

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Fri, Aug 21 2009 4:21 PM (7 replies)
  • sabbath270
    231 Posts
    Sat, Aug 1 2009 8:33 AM

    Though the results are unofficial, the tournament has ended and I am in first place. Here is that story. [long]


    My father and I used to play Links 386 all the time back in the mid 90s. We had some fierce competition, but my video gamer skills usually beat out his actual golf smarts. He loves his golf, an amateur, not sure of his handicap but he likes to get out there. Now I haven't seen him in 5 years, but will be seeing him next week.

    A month and a half ago while watching the US Open at work live from their website, I noticed an ad for WGT. I tried it. "Hey, this is just like the old links but it looks fantastic!" I dinked around for awhile, then started getting the hang of it. Then I noticed the People vs. Pros. "I've got to win this...I'll give it to dad for a gift! I can do it, I used to tear that links game up..."  [Yea... 15 years ago... what happened to that career playing super mario brothers again?]

    So I started training and playing as much as I could, and entered the June PVP. I played well, but was so nervous I couldn't hit anything, and missed some golden putting opportunities. I managed a 70 with a 66-67 needed to win.

    I knew I just needed more time, so I went all out. I learned that course up and down. Learned to control my game. Bought new clubs. Played, and played, and played. Made pages upon pages of notes. One day I felt I was ready, and sat down. I was amped up.

    First hole. "Error blah blah zlib something something". WHAT!!! Well, long story short my tournament entry got hosed before I even took a shot, but WGT service fixed me up. Unfortunate side effect being I had to recreate my account. It was a nightmare without practice for 4 days as I didn't log in. Eventually I was back and able to practice up a bit.

    I had my whole course strategy mapped out. I knew I needed a 65 to take the lead outright. This is good commentary I used from the designer Pete Dye, great to follow along- 

    It was time. I sat down, but was shaking so much I had to wait for some time before I tee'd off.

    [This is to the best of my recollection due to the adrenaline. I didn't make notes while I was playing. Some may be slightly off especially which putts were on which holes.]


    Hole 1

    One of my favorite holes, anything but a birdie here is a disappointment. A headwind can make it a little more challenging, but not much. I'm on perfectly and tap in here for a birdie like clockwork. -1

    Hole 2

    Another scoring hole, I like to lay up just after the last bridge, for an easy wedge. Another short putt for birdie on schedule. -2

    Hole 3

    My other favorite hole, I like to lay up just on the edge of the plataeu leaving a flat shot with a short wedge on a table green for easy money. Unfortunately today, the direct right to left wind didn't grab at all like I thought, and I came up way to the right for a ~15 footer. Shanked and missed. This was one of my target holes, but there's plenty of course left so I'm positive. Par. -2

    Hole 4

    Here I begin a bit of a 'safe mode' stretch on the tough 4th. I aim a touch left, towards the large leftish area of the green, but cut it a bit too fine and it gets caught up in the fringe/rough in front of the hole trying to make it on. No way to make a good angle from the fairway. Is it just me or is that edge spot a magnet? It almost seems to suck towards that lip, but maybe I just try and cut it too close. Luckily a perfect flop allows the tap in for par. -2

    Hole 5

    Safe mode again, but a suprisingly sticky ball carries only a few yards past the hole instead of to the normal collection area. Couldn't hit the tough breaker for bird, but still a good par. -2

    Hole 6

    Back to scoring mode. After a perfect drive, the approach shot is close though badly placed, uphill and sloping, as I blow the short breaker. Feeling the pressure at this point, making par on the last two scoring holes, but I'm using that pressure to dig in and keep my  focus. Par. -2

    Hole 7

    All the par 5's on this course are target holes for me. *(More on that later). I feel like I can recover here, and go with my recently revised plan of laying up on 7 instead of going for the short pitch or lucky bounce to the green. It pays, as a dart leaves a tap in for birdie. -3

    Hole 8

    A safe hole for me as I haven't yet mastered how to get it close. Nothing too fancy here, I land it towards the middle and an easy two putt. Par. -3

    Hole 9

    A teaser little hole with an evil pin placement. I usually go safe but if you can bounce it off the front frige just right with some spin it can be a birdie. I go for it, land dead even with the hole but misjudge the wind a bit, leaving about a 6 footer...but with killer break. Missed and take par. -3

    *water break at the turn*

    I'm still feeling good here, -3 on the front 9 is a good score, not the monster -5 I'd hoped for to take some pressure off, but about average if I'm hoping to take it down.

    Hole 10

    The back 9 is where I make my money, and the first three are juicy. However a less than ideal approach shot here leaves me with a short-medium range putt with some movement, and it rims out. Par. I'm feeling like I really need to get to work now, and start to do a bit of of scoreboard watching. -3

    Hole 11

    Everything has to go right from here, and no better way to get it going than with this par 5. Again I hold back with the layup, and a picture perfect wedge gets the fist pump as I tap in to start some momentum. -4

    Hole 12

    Another target hole, straight par 4. A strong tee shot and gentle landing net a fairly easy putt to score. Bottom of the cup and it's the birdie again! -5

    Hole 13

    Really getting it going now, after splitting the fairway this uphill green is just begging to get nailed. I oblige with a dagger and score easily with a roar! Three straight birds puts me in a tie for the lead with 5 holes to go, but only 2 birdie holes. -6

    Hole 14

    Bit of a safe hole on another par 3 I have not mastered. The ridge in the middle just seems to fall off a cliff, as even with backspin and creeping up, it seems to shoot down a ramp. Today a better than my average shot leaves a medium range makeable putt but it doesn't go. Par. -6

    Hole 15

    A birdie hole here, as I carry the big bunker, staring right at a nice uphill green. l land in a good approach but not good enough, as yet again the short breaking putt roasts me, par instead. Would have been nice to take the lead here but a bit of nerves. -6

    Hole 16

    The last target hole for me. Standing at the tee I had hoped to have it wrapped up by now, but still need to bag another par 5, having birdied the previous three. I know what I need to do. No problem. Right? The wind immediately gusts in, which isn't helping. The normal layup and tap in strategy seems perfect though and it's in the middle. I line up the wedge... but just a little fat and it could have been better...  and now I'm clenching my teeth as another medium putt spins out. Par.  -6

    *At this point I'm spinning a bit myself from the miss, with two tough holes to go I know I'm going to have to get the mojo working, a tie won't do it.

    Hole 17

    The water hole. One of the few places I've put it in the drink before. Usually I'm just safe here, I don't want anything to do with that water. Wind blowing from right to left... great. Aiming out into the bay... ugh. This is the shot of the tournament right here. I kind of measure it on intuition more than a lot of my other shots, and also at the last minute move the arrow a nudge to the right... just because... (water, what water?) and let it rip... 3 FEET FROM THE HOLE!!! TAP IN to take the lead!!!   -7

    Hole 18

    I have to tell you I instantly thought of poor Tom Watson. "Okay, let me just drive it out there and two putt. Just get it on and two putt for the championship. Sure." Step 1, perfect drive, check. Step 2, get it on. It's rare to get a good angle on this green, but sometimes you can bounce it off the rough to get close for a birdie. Nooooooo, just get it on and two putt. DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT THAT. Okay okay. I aim for the back middle of the green, and a little spin... and it rolls perfectly down through the trough and ends up on the back plateau pin high... 13 footer.

    13 FEET AND I JUST NEED A TWO PUTT! I know I've got it now. I send it a touch strong, trying to can the swinging putt, but only 2 feet coming back, and it's par to complete the -7 round of 65! He drops the putter and raises his fists in victory!

    The dream is realized!

    I couldn't make a decent putt all match with the jitters, my longest being 7.5, but my average to pin was 8.1 feet as the irons gave me enough to win!

  • sodakkid
    2 Posts
    Sat, Aug 1 2009 9:26 AM

    Congradulations again. Don't spend the money all in one spot. Your dad will be quite happy with your gift.

  • speedyschic
    948 Posts
    Sat, Aug 1 2009 7:27 PM

    That is a touching story! Congratulations on your win! Your Dad will be elated

  • sabbath270
    231 Posts
    Fri, Aug 14 2009 6:41 PM

    Just a post-script, now that I am the official winner to say: my father, who was absolutely floored, will be on his way to meet some of his favaroite golfers!

  • TheZar89
    2 Posts
    Fri, Aug 14 2009 7:01 PM

    very cool sab, lol so intense and focused, hope ur dad enjoys it

  • edchavez
    488 Posts
    Fri, Aug 21 2009 3:51 PM


  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Fri, Aug 21 2009 4:20 PM

    As I noted in another thread that somehow got deleted...


    That you gave your prize to your dad says alot about you, Sab.. you have my respect and admiration.

  • sabbath270
    231 Posts
    Fri, Aug 21 2009 4:21 PM

    Yes I noticed that thread got deleted as well, but I did see your message, and do appreciate it.

    Hopefully we will be seeing him in the final on ESPN2! :]