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Decline of gift & Donation of Equipment

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Mon, Apr 23 2012 5:50 PM (111 replies)
  • Bootsnbra
    2,322 Posts
    Sun, Feb 13 2011 9:42 AM


    I don't know....most decent GENUINE women i know on this site and in real life, wouldn't call them selves...BOOTSNBRA.put up an alluring photo , except 100 friends in less than a month....and write post of this nature....may be i am just old fashioned . I guess G i r ls just want to have fun....and anyone that's been here long enough knows that for a fact.


    Another person making it about me instead of the point. First off Bootsnbra was the name of my ranch. Boots I wear them and bra meaning a woman ran the ranch. Sexy a little bit...sure to me I felt so yes. Now as for the integrity of my ranch prior to selling it is was widely known by churches for being generous, to the special Olympics for not only its donations but for actually being out there and coaching, to the Olympics for our support the past 15 years,to the homeless centers for raising animals and having them sent to them specifically each year to help feed the hungry, for the children we sponsored through christian organizations for under privileged children, for the Veterans Associations we sponsor because the amount of homeless vets we have is outrageous, for the support we give to the Red Cross, for our support to St Judes and The Childrens hospital and my list isn't even complete. Still each night I hit my knees and pray for a better world and I try by starting with myself. Sir you are not old fashioned you are judgmental. I was raised by Grandparents that were old fashioned and they would never JUDGE Someone without getting to know them first nor make statements to hurt someone for just no good reason. Now in line with the others who made this about me and not the point and SHAME on you too!


    PS. Alluring photo? I covered myself up with clouds whats so alluring about that?




  • Bootsnbra
    2,322 Posts
    Sun, Feb 13 2011 9:48 AM


    While we're on the matter the photo is str8 out of an old magazine..maybe if MISS B&B could put up a photo of her having a drink of wine in her living room...we might believe her horrible and sad  plight .

    That photo is not out of a magazine it's me and if you look on my profile in my comment area you will see the original of that photo on ForestThunders heart. Now you were saying???

  • NickN85
    193 Posts
    Sun, Feb 13 2011 10:01 AM

    I honestly dont care about it one way or another anymore.. My point is the fact that noone..noone rejects a gift.. and even if you think they want something in return that you dont want to give them.. its the internet.. just ignore them and theyll go away. 

    The medical issue is all BS to me.. so you can say what you want.. i know more than you could possibly imagine about diabetes type 1 and type 2 because my 65 yr old father has it and ive had to watch him go through hospital visits multiple times and the only thing that will cause eye problems that relative is diabetic retinopathy which youve had to have had diabetes for the better part of a decade before this will really effect you much. There are slight other eye irritations.. but nothing like what youre claiming.. 

    And in all honesty to me you just seem to be screaming for attention.. and im not going to change my mind on that one.

  • Bootsnbra
    2,322 Posts
    Sun, Feb 13 2011 10:13 AM


    I honestly dont care about it one way or another anymore.. My point is the fact that noone..noone rejects a gift.. and even if you think they want something in return that you dont want to give them.. its the internet.. just ignore them and theyll go away. 

    The medical issue is all BS to me.. so you can say what you want.. i know more than you could possibly imagine about diabetes type 1 and type 2 because my 65 yr old father has it and ive had to watch him go through hospital visits multiple times and the only thing that will cause eye problems that relative is diabetic retinopathy which youve had to have had diabetes for the better part of a decade before this will really effect you much. There are slight other eye irritations.. but nothing like what youre claiming.. 

    And in all honesty to me you just seem to be screaming for attention.. and im not going to change my mind on that one.

    Giggleeeeee for a person that don't care ( as you stated)  you sure type a lot. Oh wait another contradiction you made. Again all about me and not the point. <shaking head laughing>

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Feb 13 2011 10:56 AM

    Interesting and entertaining back and forth going on here. I have no clue who's who or what the agenda is but I have a simple question for boots.

    You received 3 Pack of WGT Tour GI-SD Balls (White). This item has been placed in your inventory and is available for you to use immediately."

    How do you refuse something that is automatic and doesn't give you an option? Just wondering.

  • Bootsnbra
    2,322 Posts
    Sun, Feb 13 2011 11:46 AM


    Interesting and entertaining back and forth going on here. I have no clue who's who or what the agenda is but I have a simple question for boots.

    You received 3 Pack of WGT Tour GI-SD Balls (White). This item has been placed in your inventory and is available for you to use immediately."

    How do you refuse something that is automatic and doesn't give you an option? Just wondering.

    There is no way to right now Jim... all this started by me putting up a suggestion that asked for us to have that ability. Then came the cyber bullies the rest you read.

  • MioKontic
    4,661 Posts
    Sun, Feb 13 2011 12:07 PM

    Bored with this now.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Feb 13 2011 12:20 PM

    Understood but when challenged by Nick you claimed....

    You have to accept the gifts for them to show.

    How is it that your supposed gifts don't show?

  • Bootsnbra
    2,322 Posts
    Sun, Feb 13 2011 12:38 PM


    Understood but when challenged by Nick you claimed....

    You have to accept the gifts for them to show.

    How is it that your supposed gifts don't show?

    Nick was looking on my history to see the gifts........they do not show until you accept them

  • NickN85
    193 Posts
    Sun, Feb 13 2011 12:41 PM

    omg.. ok now youre just digging yourself deeper.... THERE IS NO WAY TO "ACCEPT" A GIFT.... once it is gifted to you.. youve "accepted it"... its there.. you cant decline it.. you cant remove it.. you cant ignore it.. its there.. its in your virtual locker and waiting to be equipped.. period...point.. end of subject.. therefore anyone can see that you have it.

    now youre just making me mad.