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Yellow Light

rated by 0 users
Sun, Feb 13 2011 10:53 AM (2 replies)
  • Lobsterboy
    4,729 Posts
    Sat, Feb 12 2011 2:18 PM

    Hey WGT

    How about introducing a yellow status light for when players are waiting to get a tournament match played? It's a bummer having to decline invitations (not that I'm THAT popular lol), but folk probably wonder why your light is green and your declining their invite! I know you can type a message in the decline box to explain your decline, but I reckon a yellow light will save time and trouble. Whadya think?



  • borntobesting
    9,767 Posts
    Sat, Feb 12 2011 2:24 PM


    Hey WGT

    How about introducing a yellow status light for when players are waiting to get a tournament match played? It's a bummer having to decline invitations (not that I'm THAT popular lol), but folk probably wonder why your light is green and your declining their invite! I know you can type a message in the decline box to explain your decline, but I reckon a yellow light will save time and trouble. Whadya think?



    You can always change to red while playing and then back to green when done. Or if it is a CC tourney that you have already posted a score in then you could stay green and accept and play the round again later. 

  • Lobsterboy
    4,729 Posts
    Sun, Feb 13 2011 10:53 AM

    p.s. players should be able to invite you when your light is yellow, so the players your waiting for will see your waiting for them to start the match and invite you.