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Epilepsy Warning

Wed, Mar 2 2016 6:59 PM (139 replies)
  • Pootick
    1,185 Posts
    Sat, Feb 27 2016 1:39 PM


    I just had this reply to an email I sent to WGT Support this morning...

    Dear Cole,

    Thank you for your message. We have been hearing from many players today with their displeasure with the new text animations in the game. We have heard you and are working on a solution to the issue. Unfortunately there is no way at this time to remove the new animations. Thank you for your patience.


    WGT Member Services

    I just hope I don't have to be too patient!


    Do you think they would say the same if the problem was the  Pro Shop not charging for any merchandise? If all items purchased were accidentally given free. Do you think foe one minute their approach would be "they are working on the issue but unfortunately there is no way at this time to fix the problem"



  • JasonNumber100
    2,912 Posts
    Sat, Feb 27 2016 2:01 PM

    So in downtime they can implement this ridiculous flashing but they can't remove it. I guess if they leave it long enough they think we'll get used to it.

  • ceeschap
    1 Posts
    Sat, Feb 27 2016 2:08 PM

    Concur 100%.


    Get rid of it WGT - totally unnecessary ! and damn dangerous ! Please listen to your members or there'll be even more jumping ship.

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Sat, Feb 27 2016 2:26 PM

    While computer displays in general present very little risk of producing seizures in PSE patients (much less risk than that presented by television sets), video games with rapidly changing images or highly regular patterns can produce seizures, and video games have increased in importance as triggers as they have become more common.

    Some people with no prior history of PSE may first experience a seizure while playing a video game. Often the sensitivity is very specific, e.g., it may be a specific scene in a specific game that causes seizures, and not any other scenes. Despite this, there are questions on the dangers of this, and calls for testing all video games for causing PSE.[7]

     Laws requiring PSE warnings be displayed on packages and/or stores have been proposed [8] and legal firms are keeping an eye on developments.

    [Source : Wikepedia]

  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Sat, Feb 27 2016 3:42 PM

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Feb 27 2016 3:46 PM

    I have never suffered from epilepsy, and passed testing regularly, but this for me is pointless and uncomfortable. I am used to exposure from strobe lights and lightbars.

    But now I find myself looking away from the screen after hitting a shot or putt, so the enjoyment of watching the ball flight and scenery is negated to the point of not wanting to play.

    I will meet my commitments CC wise, but that is it until it is fixed.

    Unpleasant, unnecessary and  dangerous to those who do suffer from any form of epilepsy. 

    And to compound it, still no word from the company. Shameful WGT.


  • siggipj76
    2,989 Posts
    Sat, Feb 27 2016 3:58 PM

    I just played today and my heart skipped a beat the first time I saw that flash.

    I have been away for a few weeks.

    So not a fan of dying playing this game.

  • Chris1973M
    1,835 Posts
    Sat, Feb 27 2016 4:56 PM

     photo images29_zpsjqtjd5nm.jpg

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Sat, Feb 27 2016 6:19 PM

    And to compound it, still no word from the company. Shameful WGT.


  • patrickmar
    245 Posts
    Sat, Feb 27 2016 8:14 PM

    9 full pages and not once has a wgt mod even gave a comment yet. maybe we should all send them emails instead.