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Game freezing

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Mon, Jun 6 2016 9:44 AM (27 replies)
  • raspril
    126 Posts
    Mon, Feb 29 2016 12:09 PM

    Screen freeze here too...I have used Maxthon and Firefox with the same problem.

    cant click on anything and just have to refresh the browser...

    Help !!,,,WGT  This is almost as annoying as the Flashing on the screen...

  • viciii3
    766 Posts
    Mon, Feb 29 2016 7:58 PM seems there are a few of us having this issue of late. Apparently it is not related to ONE single browser, but maybe browsers of the same type (i'm no browser expert, LOL)?

    I will tell you it makes playing insufferable and if it isn't fixed I'll just save my credits and come back when it is? It sucks the last bit of fun out of playing WGT for me.

    Would you please look into this? I'd be glad to give you any and all info regarding the issue, if it will help.


  • mskeens1962
    2 Posts
    Mon, Feb 29 2016 8:29 PM

    having same thing here i use Firefox got the latest everything and still can't finish a game


  • metoo48
    5 Posts
    Mon, Feb 29 2016 8:52 PM

    Same here,no fun playing this way.

  • viciii3
    766 Posts
    Mon, Feb 29 2016 9:00 PM

    And I just lost a AS round because of this BS. The game client screen just becomes frozen...nothing can be clicked and the only way to resolve is to disconnect and restart WGT...and you only get so many tries at that before you forfeit. And that is saying nothing about what it does to your connection "reputation"???????????

    Why is it every time WGT does an update many of us end up with a "downgrade"??

    I will not burden any more of my fellow players with this by playing on line with them. I cannot complete 9 holes without having to reconnect at LEAST 3 times...and we all know what that over.

    I'm about done here...if I don't hear SOME type of response from WGT soon...there are other golf games around...including other platforms.

    Have you never heard of "Beta testing"?? That's where you release your proposed "updates" to a limited audience and see if there are issues? SHEESH!

  • viciii3
    766 Posts
    Mon, Feb 29 2016 9:30 PM

    A little does the exact same thing with IE 11. Just so you know.

  • BombShelly
    1,010 Posts
    Mon, Feb 29 2016 10:10 PM

    We seem to automatically blame WGT for all the problems with the game, and certainly, they may be responsible for a lot of them, but this time it might not be them.

    The morning after the most recent WGT update, Maxthon Browsers also had an update.

    Maxthon Browser for Windows V4.9.1.1000 Officially Released!

    Though Maxthon did not emphasize that their product took a major overhaul, the most recent release by Maxthon Browsers is  a Chromium based product, unlike the products they have released in the past.

    I also was experiencing this "screen freezing". My natural instinct was to remove flash from my computer, and then remove my Maxthon browser and reinstall them. I repeated the process SEVERAL TIMES... which caused more problems. I ended up with a completely white browser window, an old flash player, and finally I got this message when coming to WGT...

    It seems that upon release of the new Maxthon browser, there were some conflicts between the new platform and flash, as Maxthon's prior versions had a different platform, using NPAPI for flash instead of PPAPI.

    It has been a trying few days while battling thru this issue for me, and Im sure for many others, and more problems are certainly on their way, as people who have not yet updated to the "new Maxthon" will soon also run into trouble, but if you are experiencing trouble with Maxthon and screen freezing, or incompatibility issues with WGT, you may want to look to Maxthon for the answers. 

    Adobe Flash and Maxthon - General Discussion - Maxthon Community

    And if you are reading this, and have the old version of Maxthon (4.5 and earlier), you may want to consider disabling automatic updates to Maxthon and Flash until such time as Maxthon has ironed out the kinks.

    Hope this helps somebody out there.


  • BigArnL
    851 Posts
    Tue, Mar 1 2016 11:34 AM

     Game freezing continuous, trying to cope, need fix!Findings: I am finding my game not functioning after almost every drive and having to stop and restart from where it stalled, I find it very upsetting to have been playing, and yet having to restart game,Also seeing black pixil"s grouping of small amounts in sky frequently,

                                         I am so tired of having problems each time you make changes to a game that was working, please fix.

  • viciii3
    766 Posts
    Tue, Mar 1 2016 4:05 PM

    BombShelley, there are other members of my CC who are also having this freezing of the game client screen...and they are having it on Firefox, Maxthon and IE (I have the problem on IE and Maxthon). Now, "freezing" is probably the wrong term to use. The wind still blows, the birds still chirp and the green slope indicators still move...but no buttons can be clicked (change club, change view or take your stroke, etc.).


  • BigArnL
    851 Posts
    Tue, Mar 1 2016 9:13 PM

    Switched to different browser, all working fine.