I would like to know if there is some cryptic message on these greens that need to be decoded by a mathmetician with a PHD in alternate gravitational universes.
Yes there is. Try this thought experiment:
Let's say you have a dead straight putt, downhill, and a gridline runs exactly down a line between the ball and the hole. We know that there will be no sideways dot movement because the putt is straight.
Now take exactly the same straight putt, downhill, but now a gridline runs in a direction such that it starts on the ball, but the hole is several feet to the left of this gridline at hole distance. What will the dot movement be now? The dots moving perpendicularly to this gridline will be starting from the gridline and moving right to left towards the hole because the hole is slightly lower relative to where the dots started and dots will always move downhill. But the putt is still the same straight putt.
Now do the same thing but the hole is several feet to the right of the gridline. The dot movement is now left to right, yet the putt is still straight.
Same putt, 3 different gird layouts relative to the slope of the green, 3 different movements of dots, yet the putt is straight every time.
Any time you read a putt, you have to use your knowledge of the slopes on the green to work out if there is any component of elevation affecting the sideways dot movement. Once you mentally remove this component (which is just a guess based on experience), you might even expect that the putt will move in the opposite direction to the dots. In the case of the OP's putt, it was so severely downhill that any grid orientation not running exactly parallel to a line between ball and hole would have a huge component of elevation showing in the dots. Plenty to give a completely opposite dot movement to the sideways break.