alcaucin: Beat me in conditions of heavy wind or UEL and a sleeve of your choice will be winging it's way towards ;-)
EDIT: will up the stakes...if ya don't like the 1st option ^^ ( tho still open )
Beat me in heavy wind AND on UELs then send u 2 sleeves..
BTW Shoe, can I buy $20 of credits in retrospect and get a free max sleeve ?
I may need $$$ soon !!!
EDIT2...8 tries for a warm up ALT...nada..10.000.000 members ? hmmm ;-)
EDIT3... 6 more tries.....just 'rolled' one and left cursor in same place..
search again, again, infinitum ;-)))
EDIT4... found a game and got a foul mouthed Aussie TL R.O.69, what an idiot, treated his P like dog dirt !! then forfeits cause left 4yrds short ..