Match #43 against Mark - the goosebag.
I win 1 UP, but I feel bad as it was a messed up game with connection issues and WTF shots for Mark.
Our first attempt we aborted on hole 3 with him stiff and me 20 feet away.
He gave me a restart when I hit the wrong club off hole #1.
We played 9 holes and again got WGT'ed. Played the back 9 today and Mark had an inventory problem after the free rentals, so I returned the favour and restarted.
Ur a gentleman Mark.
as john says that was a funny game,wgt funny we started friday night and finished sunday night lol
when john teed off i thought it had a rather high elevation on the 1st and when i teed off on the 10th dinged it good syle and carried on typing,on my 2nd shot to my amazement had 266 yards left strange i thought then realised wgt free rental had decided not to put any woods or wedges in the bag lol,good enough of john he returned the favour of a restart
so after 4 restarts john wins 1up,well played john really fun and enjoyable game best of luck for the rest of the comp
a quick thamkyou to paul for all your hardwork great comp and good luck to all the UKGE entries still flying the flag
cheers mark.