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Sun, Mar 13 2016 8:58 AM (11 replies)
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  • TerryN1013
    109 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2016 2:14 PM

    On several holes the aiming triangle has the Fairway Forward  Camera icon on top of it.  I can't get to the aiming triangle to move it.  Is there any way around this?

  • ScottHope
    10,636 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2016 2:23 PM
    @Keith & JF, thank you.

    I'm having a lot of problems with Photobucket lately, having to upload images several times to get them to stick and when I think they've uploaded, they haven't. Getting very annoyed, that's why the previous version of this post disappeared, sorry.  : (
  • keidan
    311 Posts
    Sat, Mar 12 2016 9:37 AM

    Don't know what happened to Scott's answer... I'm sure it was awesome.

    My 2 cents:  the triangle is also visible in the main screen, so just click on it there and move it slightly.  The triangle on the map should now be clear of the camera or available to click and move on top of it.


  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Sat, Mar 12 2016 10:17 AM



    Don't know what happened to Scott's answer... I'm sure it was awesome.

    My 2 cents:  the triangle is also visible in the main screen, so just click on it there and move it slightly.  The triangle on the map should now be clear of the camera or available to click and move on top of it.



  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Sat, Mar 12 2016 11:16 AM

    When the marker is hidden by a camera (like here, blue arrow), you can move it out from underneath using the main screen (here the red arrow) to wherever you want, or go back to the other view. The marker is now visible.

    Hope this helps Terry.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Mar 12 2016 11:49 AM

    Scott- Unless Photobucket does something specific you need, Postimage is flawless, fast and free.  :-)

  • ScottHope
    10,636 Posts
    Sat, Mar 12 2016 12:35 PM

    Thanks Jim. The things I like about PB are...

    • That I can have pictures grouped in albums in my account.
    • I can change the linked image from a normal size picture to a thumbnail by adding just two letters to the link.
    • I can force a browser to use the original sized image by adding one word to the end of the link. Which means if the browser resizes the image to something smaller, the quality of the image will still be pin sharp (provided the original image was) if you zoom in.
    • As the links used by PB are created from the PB album filepath and the image filename, if I delete an uploaded image from PB, then modify that image and re-upload it, the link will remain the same and therefore the modified picture will replace the original images wherever I have posted them without me having to go back and change all the links.
    • If I modify a picture that I have previously uploaded to PB and upload it again without changing that image's filename, the link for that new image will be the same as the old one but with an underscore and a number 1 at the end of it, each subsequent upload of that image will increase that number by one making it easy for me to modify any links to utilise the latest upload.
    • If I make the posted image into a clickable link back to the original image, it will open the original image in a PB webpage, but if I add one word to the end of the link target and the link source in the HTML, the original image will open in a blank webpage.

    Those are the things I like that I can immediately think of Jim, but if PB doesn't sort itself out soon I may well start using Postimage. I have seen videos by Essisdaddy of how it works and I would be quite comfortable with giving it a go.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Mar 12 2016 12:38 PM

    Man, you in way deeper than me. Rock on.  LOL   ;-)

  • ScottHope
    10,636 Posts
    Sat, Mar 12 2016 12:47 PM

    Hehe, I've been with PB for so long, I think my first upload was a photograph sent in an envelope, lol.  ; )

    ⇩ EDIT : Thanks whoosh. I'm very reluctant to part with PB but I'll bear imgur in mind. (Just found out that it's pronounced the same way as the word 'imager', rather than 'im-ger', oops. Nice graphicals from you too. : ) ⇧

  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Sat, Mar 12 2016 1:03 PM

    Failing that Scott, for most of the things you're looking for, try Imgur.

    Love your work btw, invaluable. Thanks.

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