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What needs to be said

Mon, Mar 21 2016 8:54 PM (68 replies)
  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Mon, Mar 14 2016 2:45 PM

    Dear WGT Customers, 

    We're very sorry for the inconvenience caused by our apparent inability to fix the disconnection issues experienced across the board in multi player formats. While we are actively searching for a solution, please bear with us .

    Doc :(

  • mathia14
    1,271 Posts
    Mon, Mar 14 2016 2:57 PM

    "I'm from the government & I'm here from the government &  I'm here to help."

  • Lesthanpar
    1,502 Posts
    Mon, Mar 14 2016 3:21 PM

     Clear your cache, Go get a degree in IT, clear your cache, get a new high end computer, clear your cache, get the best internet connection available to humankind, clear your cache, then if that doesn't work just clear your cache and everything will be wonderful. 

  • VegasWade
    486 Posts
    Mon, Mar 14 2016 7:50 PM

     WGT can't fix Flash, which has been a flawed computer program format for gaming for years. I'm sure the techs here do their best and do read complaints, so cut them a little slack, as they are at the mercy of Adobe with each new version released. Adobe released yet another version on March 10.

    Also, when playing with several players realize you may be connecting with people running different browsers, operating systems, computer software, platforms, PC and MAC, which causes issues in itself.  

    I wrote this the other day in hopes it would help those having issues. I don't have freezes/disconnects/crashes. I have experienced blue screen, where my avatar vanishes, but it's been rare. Mind you, I don't play AS, but match play. I've been keeping track this month and have not dropped a match yet. There are others here who say they have issues every day; still others here say they have only a few issues once a year. I can point you to those recent posts if necessary.

    Try all of these suggestions and see if they help.


    One: Make sure you are running the latest, proper Flash version. This page will show you what Flash version you have, and provide a how-to and uninstall of previous versions (this must be done before a clean download)...

    Two: Memory Cleaner. There are several free one's out there so search yourselves. Just Google 'memory cleaner' .. This is the one I use, simple, small, safe and easy. I'll clean memory three or four times in a nine-hole round of golf.

    Three: CCleaner. Safely cleans computer of garbage files and fixes registry errors. I've used it for years. The free download is fine.

    Four: Clean Master for PC removes junk and unneeded files that CCleaner overlooks.

    Five: Clear your Flash Player and check settings settings.

    Six: The Google Chrome browser automatically updates all Flash components, and it works great for me with this game. 

    Seven: No matter what operating system or system platform, this article provides how-to, direct downloads for uninstallers and fresh Flash loads for PC and MAC.

    Eight: Here is the latest Flash version (as of this post) 3/10/2016 – Updated debugger and standalone versions of Flash Player. These versions contain fixes for critical vulnerabilities identified in Security Bulletin APSB 16-08. The latest versions are (Win and Mac) and (Linux). All users are encouraged to update to these latest versions. This page llinked below is the Adobe support page, which also includes all new downloads and debug info.


    I use all of these programs and fixes safely, they've never damaged my computer(s) and I rarely have a game disconnect - at least in multi-player match play. There remains forum complaints from some that have problems with AS. There are others who say they play AS with no major disconnect/crash/blue screen issues at all, or very rarely.


    Another tip I've seen from players posting here include checking your firewall and DNS settings. Make sure you're not running two firewalls. Windows 10 wants to enable the Microsoft firewall, despite one you already have running, meaning you're running two firewalls, which is not needed. It's actually a default setting in Windows 10 that needs to be double checked to make sure it is off.


    From WGT "System Requirements" thread, some other tips.

    Disable Popup Blocker

    To disable your popup blocker, follow these instructions:

    Enable cookies on your browser

    Instructions on how to enable cookies:

    Close and exit all other applications

    Make sure the browser with WGT playing is the only application running on your system. Also regularly running a program to clean your system of spyware and viruses will greatly increase the game's performance. Any application that uses your system's RAM (memory) or CPU will slow down your game.

    Flash Storage Settings

    Make sure your browser allows flash content. Go to the Adobe Storage Setting Manager by clicking here . Move the slider so that you are allotting at least 100KB to storing flash objects. Check the "Allow third party Flash content" and "Store common Flash components" checkboxes.

    Security Settings

    Make sure the security setting on your browser is not set to High. This may prevent you from viewing certain things on the site. Also, people who have CA Security Center installed on their computers have been known to have problems viewing the site. Disabling some of the features in the program seems to solve the problem. You can read more about it here: . 

  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Tue, Mar 15 2016 9:53 AM


    Thanks for taking the time to post all those helpful hints to optimize a system for playing WGT. I, myself,  do more maintenance now than I ever had to when I started playing back in 2011. Then all you had to do was log in and play with none of the disconnection issues this site has today. The biggest gripe then was "jerky meter". In 5 years of playing almost daily, I have watched as the reliability of game play has gradually degraded to it's present  sorry state. Many times I've asked myself what factors have changed aside from WGT?Could all these problems be caused by outside factors WGT has no control over? Even if the the answer is yes, it matters not. What does matter, is that WGT has become increasingly incompatable with the format we must use to play it.

     I sincerely hope that they can get this sorted, and believe it should be their #1 priority to do so quickly.


    Just an added thought, I read every word of your above post, and there are some excellent tips there, but, the average person is not going to read "War & Peace" before playing WGT.


  • SidersBest
    873 Posts
    Tue, Mar 15 2016 11:28 AM

     Vegas Wade

    Thank you, I've read your post and used several of your solutions and my problems are solved. But sometimes we run into people that always wants someone else to fix their problems by saying Hocus Pocus  and they all disappear sometimes we have to help fix what we neglected to maintain. A wise man once told me "Son, if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem." and "If you're not willing to help yourself, then quit b***hing about anyone else not willing to help you!"  And yes, War & Peace is a long read,but a good read, and everybody knows that "Leaders are Readers". Then you might find yourself reading "Atlas Shrugged" and asking yourself "Who is John Gault?" Last but not least Doc, take it from NIKE and JUST DO IT!

    Siders Best

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Tue, Mar 15 2016 11:48 AM


    Just an added thought, I read every word of your above post, and there are some excellent tips there, but, the average person is not going to read "War & Peace" before playing WGT.


    More's the pity, but typical.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Mar 15 2016 11:55 AM

     WGT can't fix Flash,

    Flash isn't causing the disconnect issues. I do absolutely none of what you laid out, never have, and have always had a good meter. I still get disconnected.

  • VegasWade
    486 Posts
    Tue, Mar 15 2016 12:08 PM

    One thing I forgot to add. I believe (although I've not had WGT confirm this), that the game connection is tied to the person HOSTING the match, game, AS. In other words, if the host has a crap connection, bad files, old Flash setup, that game will have issues. It may not be you or your setup causing the disconnects, but the HOST.

    Also, one thing I didn't add. Test your DSL speeds. If your upload speed sucks, you're going to have issues.

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Tue, Mar 15 2016 12:23 PM

    Yep its a sad thing , got all the way to the 18th hole at Cabo with some  friends last night and got kicked, and it would not let us back

    All that ball life gone for nothing